April may become designated as International Holocaust and Genocide Prevention and Awareness Month within the state of Washington, courtesy of the efforts of several members of the Washington State Legislature.
This year’s Eastern Washington Legislative Conference entitled “Renewing Hope for the Future” will feature workshops on various issues that may help Spokane to better itself and its greater surrounding area.
In this Roundup you'll learn who the YWCA 2024 Women of Achievement honorees are, when The Black Lens will relaunch and what local company has pledged to help and how our region celebrated Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
Spokane Preservation Advocates has launched a new fund to contribute to the preservation of non-profit buildings, such as churches and schools, by sponsoring their application to the Spokane Register of Historical Places.
The Ven. Geshe Tenzin Chodrak (Dadul Namgyal), 64, who went missing when he went for a walk the evening of Nov. 7, will be honored on Jan. 21, at 10 a.m., at the Sravasti Abbey, in person and live on YouTube.