85.4 F
Saturday, June 22, 2024


Ask a Baha’i: Would a Christian need to pray to Bahá’u’lláh, not Jesus, if converting to the Baha’i faith?

If I followed the teaching of Baha’i would I need to change my lifelong relationship with Jesus? I wonder how can I, as a lifelong Christian, focus my prayers from Jesus to Bahá’u’lláh?

Ask a Bahá’í: How Do Bahá’ís Get Clergy?

There are no clergy in the Bahá’í Faith. Each person is enjoined by Bahá’u’lláh — the Promised One of all Religions, who founded the Bahá’í Faith — to investigate truth for ourselves, to learn and not rely upon “the knowledge of [our] neighbor” and “see with [our] own eyes.”

Ask an Evangelical: Do Evangelicals Believe in Scientific Evolution?

Do Evangelicals believe in scientific evolution or do they believe each and every species was individually created?

Ask an EOC: Does Baptism Clear All Sin, Even Blasphemy?

The Sacrament of Baptism can be said to be an outward sign of an inward belief, a profession of faith, a rite of passage, the beginning of eternal life and the gateway to enter the Kingdom of God.

Ask an Agnostic: What Do Agnostics Believe?

Mysterious events happen and cannot be easily explained. For now, those events do not convince me of a Higher Being behind the creation of the universe.

Ask a Jew: Is there a Significance in a $36 Donation?

I notice during this giving season that many of my Jewish friends make financial donations in the amount of $36. Is there a significance in this number?

Ask an Evangelical: Who or What do Evangelicals Believe God Is?

Who or what do evangelicals believe God is? Is God for them an image of a human man but not a woman? Do evangelicals believe in scientific evolution or do they believe each and every species was individually created?

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