Immaculate Heart Retreat Center’s Weekend Parish Retreat entitled “How Do I Become a Saint? The Basics.” will be held on Jan. 15-1,. led by The Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Church.
The center described the retreat:
Sanctity seems elusive, but it is at the heart of what animates us daily: the walk of Faith in a Person, Jesus Christ. This retreat centers on how we can live an adventure of sanctity within the reality of what we do daily, with clear, solid, biblical actions and intentions that bring Christ’s resurrected light into our day.
Topics to be discussed include baptism, grace, beatitudes, sacraments, prayer and joy vs. addictions.
The weekend begins after registration on Friday at 6 p.m. and extends through lunch on Sunday. Retreat cost is $196 for singles or $302 for couples and $110 for commuters. Register at (509) 448-1224, or at