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Friday, July 26, 2024

Tag: spirituality

Harmony Woods Retreat Center Hosts First Fundraiser Saturday

Harmony Woods Retreat Center will host “A Taste of Harmony Woods Open House” this Saturday from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. The event will include several spiritually-themed indoor and outdoor offerings for individuals and families.

Spokane’s Souls Center Provides a Buddhist-Inspired Approach for the Road to Recovery

Recovery Dharma is a world-wide program used at Souls Center in Spokane, a ‘spiritual classroom’ created by founder Julia Hayes. Souls Center is a community of women seeking spiritual empowerment through meetings and workshops.

Spokane’s Harmony Woods Retreat Center Provides Sacred Space for All

When one opens the door and steps into Harmony Woods Retreat Center these words greet guests: “Please remove your shoes for the place in which you stand is holy ground.” Christi Ortiz, and her husband, Fernando, who built this yurt on their own property during COVID restrictions, hope all who enter their now one-year-old retreat center feel this sense of sacred with them.

Are Us Old Folk More Spiritual?

For Christmas, my 80 year-old-brother gave me, soon to turn 77, Priscilla Long’s "Dancing with the Muse in Old Age."  A celebration of artists and others who do great work in their later years, Long’s book includes a short discussion on “A Spiritual Life” in which she posits that “in old age many persons become more spiritual.”

RNS Reporters on the Big Religion Stories They Expect to Cover in 2023

As RNS reporters look ahead to 2023, they expect, on the whole, to cover the fallout of these shifts, including the continued effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and the rising influence of Christian nationalism. They also predict the emergence of new and experimental forms of spirituality — hello, psychedelics — as the religious landscape in America continues to shift toward disaffiliation and religious pluralism.

The Spirituality of Making, and Viewing Art

By adopting a more expansive view of art, I have come to understand both art-making and art-viewing as a spiritual experience: one that instills attentiveness, calm, and a sense of awe into my daily rituals, often without my immediate awareness.

Viewpoints: What is spirituality?

It's a word that's used often, and comes with lots of different interpretations. So we put to the FāVS writers: How do you define spirituality?

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