While we all may be going a little stir crazy inside our homes and may have even lost count of how many days its been, it is even more important than ever to stay indoors or stay outside (at least 6 feet from others).
This week we'll hold a live Zoom video chat on how to engage your faith community beyond the weekly worship service in the age of COVID-19 restrictions.
We want to meet the challenge, to marshal our energies, to declare the patriotic mantra — This is who we are! — and by doing thus, and saying so, citizens of these United States get that collective tingly feeling at the base of our nationalistic spine.
It seems more fitting to say that we lived on despite the scariness, absurdity, and uncertainty of the events around us, held and inspired by a small community that was gracious enough to host us during a pandemic.
But, as Lewis exhorts, I can’t let us spend these days emotionally huddling, frozen in fear, even if we are physically limited by the realities of a rapidly spreading pandemic.