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Tag: coffee talk

Being Christian and Political

Here I learned to fight, here I learned to organize. Here I learned to be strategic and coordinated and yes, even aggressive

Join FāVS today for a Coffee Talk on Religious Misconceptions

Join SpokaneFāVS panelists today for a Coffee Talk on "Religious Misconceptions." The conversation will be at Revel 77, 3223 E 57th, at 10 a.m.

Stereotypes block understanding about Mormonism

Mormonism has certainly had its share being misunderstood and misrepresented throughout its almost 200-year history often as a “single story” about Mormons became the only story in popular culture, news, or politics

Misconceptions About Islam and Muslims

Out of the major world religions, Islam is among the most misunderstood.

Matzoh isn’t Jesus: 10 misconceptions about Jews and Judaism

Being Jewish, especially in a very Christian place like Spokane, means frequently having to deal with misconceptions about your cultural and religious traditions.

Difficult Dialogue

When two people have axioms that are relatively similar, they can have meaningful conversation. But when two people have axioms that are radically different, they often just talk past one another, and both end up frustrated

Bringing all voices to the table is crucial, but not easy

The FāVS leadership team talk about improving dialogue a lot — obsessively, even — and we're especially concerned about helping people from less-represented background join the conversation here.

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