We did a walking meditation the other evening in a class that my wife and I teach. In the meditation the meditators take one step in silence with each breath focusing on their surroundings — coolness, dampness and unevenness of the ground, the leaves, life in the moment.
Sometimes life is like that, we move forward, slowly, yet we are still moving forward. When I am able to live in a place of gratitude for the step I just took, life is good. When I lament on what “could’ a” or “should ‘a” happened life can easily and quickly go down a very dark, scary, rabbit hole.
Jesus the Christ taught those who were drawn to him, Buddha taught those who were attracted to him, and I’ve never read where either of them belittled those that followed a different path. Both of these spiritual teachers engaged those around them and allowed their teaching to flow out from them without condemning anyone for their different beliefs.
Is it time in our country to celebrate the peaceful outcome of the election? So many countries’ elections end in violence from one side or the other. Isn’t it time to help the leaders that are in place to move the nation to new horizons of working together? I see one of two mandates for Washington
• Move forward working together for a new future for the nation.
• Continue the fight, close the doors and go home; no sense wasting time in the city if no work is being done.
Which mandate will they follow? What step(s) can you take to support the action you believe in?