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HomeCommentaryLocal group proselytizes using bullhorns and signs

Local group proselytizes using bullhorns and signs


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Small group demonstrates outside Planned Parenthood of Greater Washington and North Idaho/Tracy Simmons
Small group demonstrates outside Planned Parenthood of Greater Washington and North Idaho/Tracy Simmons

People proselytize in a variety of ways. Some do it raucously, like Harold Camping and Kenneth Copeland did through radio and TV for decades. Others do it quietly, perhaps with wily bumper stickers.

Eddie, Bruce and Frank do it with bullhorns, outsized signs and with neon Scripture verses ironed onto their clothes.

“People might think this is unloving,” Eddie said, as he and his comrades stood in demonstration outside the Planned Parenthood of the Greater Washington and North Idaho building in Spokane on a recent Friday afternoon. “But the Bible says in Jude 1 that some people have compassion and are making a difference, others save with fear by pulling them from the fire.”

Eddie refused to give his full name. He said he’s been demonstrating at places like Planned Parenthood since 1999 and has become reluctant to talk to the media. The group notes that they aren’t protesting, but raising public awareness about the saving message of Jesus.

On New Year’s Eve they assembled downtown to spread the Gospel, and they said they regularly gather outside Catholic churches, Protestant churches, the Spokane Islamic Center, gay pride parades and large public events like the Bloomdsday Parade.

“We have no angle here but to warn people of what it says in John 3:36, that ‘he that believeth on the Son hath eternal life; but he that obeyeth not the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abideth on him’,” Eddie said.

Too many churches, Eddie and his colleagues say, preach only the good stuff in the Gospel — not the whole truth.

“The sugar-coated Gospel is not Gospel at all,” he said. “You have to preach the good and the severity of God. This is my pulpit. This is my church out here. Most people won’t go to church so we’re bringing to them.”

Some passersby yell at the group, others honk and give thumbs up. Eddie said if they help save one person, their demonstrations are worth it.

Anita Gehret, however, said their demonstration on Friday had the opposite effect. She said when she pulled into the Planned Parenthood parking lot (she was driving her friend there), the men waved their signs at her and yelled at her through the bullhorn.

Eddie leads a demonstration outside of Planned Parenthood/Tracy Simmons
Eddie leads a demonstration outside of Planned Parenthood/Tracy Simmons

“I don’t believe in using God as a tool to oppress other people, it’s not right,” she said. “They don’t know what good Planned Parenthood does for the community.”

Gehret blared her radio at them, as a way to protest back, she said.

“They’re so full of hate,” she said.

What do you think, readers? Is this type of evangelism ethical and effective? What are your thoughts on proselytizing?

Additional photos are available on our Facebook page.

Tracy Simmons
Tracy Simmons
Tracy Simmons is an award-winning journalist specializing in religion reporting and digital entrepreneurship. In her approximate 20 years on the religion beat, Simmons has tucked a notepad in her pocket and found some of her favorite stories aboard cargo ships in New Jersey, on a police chase in Albuquerque, in dusty Texas church bell towers, on the streets of New York and in tent cities in Haiti. Simmons has worked as a multimedia journalist for newspapers across New Mexico, Texas, Connecticut and Washington. She is the executive director of FāVS.News, a digital journalism start-up covering religion news and commentary in Spokane, Washington. She also writes for The Spokesman-Review and national publications. She is a Scholarly Associate Professor of Journalism at Washington State University.

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11 years ago

God is love, not fear or severity. I think these folks have it wrong….all wrong.

Truth Seeker
Truth Seeker
11 years ago
Reply to  Chris

Ecc 12:13 Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.

Truth Seeker
Truth Seeker
11 years ago
Reply to  Truth Seeker
John McGlone
11 years ago
Reply to  Chris

Actually Chris, you are the one that has it wrong. In Rev 14:6-7 the Bible actually says that fearing God is the Gospel. In Eccl 12:13-14 it says that the whole duty of man is to fear God and keep His commandments. For God will bring every work into judgment, including every secret thing whether it be good or evil.

You need to change your perception of God. The Bible can help, see for details.

11 years ago
Reply to  John McGlone

Fearing God and fearing grown men with bullhorns are two different things. I may not be a biblical scholar, but I was raised with the decency to understand that.

11 years ago

I’m not in favor of any high volume evangelism, especially bull horns. It’s obnoxious and lacks any shred of humility. Having said that, I have been involved in similar types of evangelism when I was young. I found it a poor way to share the Love of God which leads to repentance and it was not productive overall. Far more interested in seeing people join in with what God is doing in our world like through Teen Challenge, Union Gospel Mission, Nursing homes, Prison Fellowship, Foster care and the countless other ministries that are making a difference for Christ. The fields are white unto harvest, but standing in the middle of them shouting misses the mark in my opinion. I love music but I don’t annoy my neighbors by turning up the volume when they may simply want some private time or enjoy a conversation.

Steve Hyle
Steve Hyle
11 years ago

How then will they call on Him in whom they have not believed? How will they believe in Him whom they have not heard? And how will they hear without a preacher?

How will they preach unless they are sent? Just as it is written, “HOW BEAUTIFUL ARE THE FEET OF THOSE WHO BRING GOOD NEWS OF GOOD THINGS!”

However, they did not all heed the good news; for Isaiah says, “LORD, WHO HAS BELIEVED OURREPORT?”

So faith comes from hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ.

What do you think, readers? Is this type of evangelism ethical and effective? What are your thoughts on proselytizing?

Jesus Christ and the first disciples went on the streets to evangelize, so we should do the same.

11 years ago

I know these guys, and don’t question their authenticity and concern. They are wonderful bothers in the Lord. The scripture that kept me from joining such evangelism style is:

Matthew 12: 19-21
He shall not strive, nor cry; neither shall any man hear his voice in the streets. A bruised reed shall he not break, and smoking flax shall he not quench, till he send forth judgment unto victory. And in his name shall the Gentiles trust.

If Jesus didn’t do it, then i’m not sure if I should. I know the Apostles preached to people who gathered to them (like Peter on Pentecost), but it does not seem like a biblical model of evangelism to me. I like to go out and just talk to people one on one, or to a small group.

Angela Cummings
11 years ago

Way to go 3 Amigos!!!! Washington legalizes gay marriage and smoking weed. Glad somebody cares enough to warn people about the Truth of God’s word. Abortion clinics do nothing good for community except anger GOD. God hates innocent blood shed. Proverbs says this is one thing God hates.

Calvin K
Calvin K
11 years ago

Finally some Christians with backbone… I get so tired of Christians that profess to know Jesus but do not tell people about Him… They are so hypocritical…I hear people all the time saying they are Christians but they don’t believe the Bible?… If you don’t believe in The Bible then please don’t tell people that you are a Christian…It would be like someone who professes to be an Electrician but does not believe in Electricity because you can’t see electricity…Mind Blowing !…

Awareness Advocate
Awareness Advocate
11 years ago

Jews proselytize. Followers of Christ evangelize.

Evangelism gets people ‘saved’ from death to life (1 Corinthians 15:22); from carnal to spiritual (Galatians 6:8); from mortal to immortal (John 11:25, Romans 8:11, 2 Timothy 1:10; from lawless to lawful (1, Timothy 1:9-10, 2 Timothy 2:5).
One of the biggest trouble issues of all times is people thinking they have license to define ‘good’ differently than how GOD defines it.
-John 5:28- Marvel not at this: for the hour is coming, in the which all that are in the graves shall hear His voice,

-John 5:29- And shall come forth; they that have done GOOD, unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation.

Doing GOOD is to believe (Jn. 6:29) Jesus is Lord (Acts 16:31); be born again saved (Jn. 3:3, 6-7), and receive Holy Spirit guidance (Romans 8:14-16).

We rejoice that Moses the deliverer (Acts 7:35) was spared out of the infanticide that had been determined against him (Exodus 1:22). And we rejoice that Jesus the Savior is our Deliverer (Romans 11:26) spared out of the infanticide that had been determined by Herod (Matthew 2:16) against Him. This is the time of year the liturgical church remembers Epiphany – thanking GOD that the devil has not been able to snuff out the Great Light of Salvation that GOD has introduced for the repentance of the unGODly in the world. By doing a vigil at this shrine – that like the murder stations for Baal, Chemosh and Molech of ancient times – we are asking couples who are conceiving children to obey Jesus in the matter of child-bearing and child rearing:

-Matthew 19:14- But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto Me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven.

-Mark 10:14- But when Jesus saw it (children being treated as though they were a nuisance / bother), He was much displeased, and said unto them, Suffer the little children to come unto Me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of GOD.

-Luke 18:16- But Jesus called them unto Him, and said, Suffer little children to come unto Me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of GOD.

11 years ago

Matthew 6:5 Hypocrites.

Adam Young
Adam Young
1 year ago
Reply to  Ken

They are preaching, not praying. You need to study your Bible and understand what it actually says, not what you want it to say.

11 years ago

I’ve seen these people outside Trader Joes, they seem oblivious to the fact that people find them generally annoying and question their mental stability. Still, I pray for them.

11 years ago

I seem to recall that one attracts more bees with honey than vinegar…..just sayin’.

Calvin K
Calvin K
11 years ago
Reply to  Ingrid

Sin is Cancer… Ingrid… can you imagine that a Lady goes to the Hospital because she isn’t feeling very well… A Doctor does some test and finds out that the Woman has Cancer… Lets say that Doctor is a very compassionate Person & does not want to hurt Her feelings… He knows that if He tells her The Truth That the Lady will be very upset … Matter in fact its probably going to ruin Her year…But because that Doctor is so loving.. He end up not telling His Patient the diagnosis… Because that would upset Her and Probably offend Her…

This Example is Modern Day Christianity Love !

Calvin K
Calvin K
11 years ago

Ken you are so far off…. Do you actually read the Bible?….

Jesus himself preached in the streets and various public places. Mark 1:15 explains that after the street preacher John the Baptist was put into prison for denouncing Herod’s adultery with his brother’s wife, “Jesus came into Galilee, preaching the Gospel of the kingdom of God and saying, ‘The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent ye, and believe the Gospel.” Matthew 11:2 also states that Jesus often went out “to teach and to preach in [various] cities.” As he did so, “Great multitudes were gathered unto him and he spoke many things unto them.” (Matthew 13:2 &3)

One of the last commandments Jesus gave to his disciples was to “Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature,” (Mark 16:15) “and that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in His name among all nations.” (Luke 24:47) Therefore, the disciples followed in the footsteps of Christ “as they went forth and preached everywhere.” (Mark 16:20)

11 years ago
Reply to  Calvin K

I didn’t say don’t preach, but how should we preach? Jesus and the apostles did miracles and attracted willing crowds to preach to. Jesus told the apostles to shake the dust off their feet if people rejected them. You said I was way off base, but I just quoted the prophesy of how He would preach. I agree we should go out and preach to every creature, but how? Was the prophet Isaiah wrong (and Matthew for quoting him in his gospel) when describing how He preached?

I’m not the final word on this and am open to preach any way God leads. I just want to be sure it is His way.

Nathaniel C.
Nathaniel C.
11 years ago
Reply to  Ken

I think you are very far off if you think Christ did not do it. I believe when the scriptures say “neither shall any man hear His voice in the streets” it is revealing that Christ would not beg. Poor beggers were common during those days. The reason I believe this is what it is describing is due to the fact that Jesus did preach openly. If you read the gospels it is clear that Christ preached openly “Repent for the kingdom of God is at hand.” That is saying, if they do not repent now, they will have the kingdom of God to stand before. To say that Christ and the apostles did miracles to draw crowds is very off as well. Any time a miracle is mentioned, for the most part, it was in the middle of Christ’s preaching. The miracles were confirmation of what they preached not the other way around. I encourage you to take look.

I have preached many different ways. From door to door, street ministry to music and serving. The fact is Jude says that some have compassion and others save with fear pulling them out of fire hating even the garments spotted by the flesh. The Lord uses many different ways to get His gospel to those who will hear it. Some need a loving compassionate preacher, while others the hard hitting truth to shake them from their wretched state.

11 years ago
Reply to  Nathaniel C.

I am far off if I think Christ did not do what? I don’t think He was yelling at people in the street. He preached to the crowds who came to Him, but I don’t think He yelled at people as they were passing by, hoping to get their attention. I believe that because of this: “He shall not strive, nor cry; neither shall any man hear his voice in the streets.”

I don’t think that talks about begging because it is immediately followed up with:

“A bruised reed shall he not break, and smoking flax shall he not quench, till he send forth judgment unto victory. And in his name shall the Gentiles trust.”

He did that through preaching, but not yelling in the streets. I know Christ preached “repent”, but I also believe He did not do it by shouting in the streets to people passing by – but only because the prophesy tells us He would not do that – and confirmed by Matthew.

I agree with you that we need to preach the gospel, and do it to every creature under the sun, but I differ in the idea we are to have our voices raised up in the street to unwilling participants. We are also told to not cast our pearls before swine, because they will be trampled under foot. I have been out with preachers who use this style of preaching and I can attest to the fact this is what ends up happening. While out there I have spoken to people who are angry at the message delivered in this manner, and after calming them down and explaining the Gospel of Christ they are receptive. They were not turned off by Christ, but their bruised reed was broken, or their smoking flax was put out by preaching in a manner that is not seen as being delivered in love.

This is what I see in scripture and in practice. That’s all i’m saying. I am concerned that you say that scripture was Jesus not begging. I find that to be a self-serving twist of the meaning of that scripture. It is clear Christ is about drawing the Gentiles, and it is describing how He would do it.

11 years ago
Reply to  Ken

I couldn’t agree with you more Ken. I think you are right on the mark with your comments. I think this scripture describes how the kingdom grows.. “But we were gentle among you, even as a mother cherisheth her children: So being affectionately desirous of you, we were willing to have imparted unto you, not the gospel of God only, but also our own souls, because ye were dear unto us……….
As ye know how we exhorted and comforted and implored every one of you, as a father doth his children.” 1Thess 2:7,8,11

11 years ago
Reply to  Fcb3

The balance though is how we are all commanded to GO. The church has totally failed to do this. You would be shocked at the warm response we get when we just go meet strangers on the street and gently present the Gospel of the Kingdom. These are people who would never set foot in a church. I have had people crying as they were touched by Christ, hardened youth giving me hugs after I was done because they needed to hear their sin cost them their soul, but Christ paid the price for them to be redeemed. The church needs to wake up and go out to the highways and byways and do what Christ and the Apostles did. In stead, we are too busy with programs, bible studies, and empty religion in stead of being out doing our Father’s business. We need to repent of our disobedience and bring the Gospel to those who are perishing…not waiting for them to come to church.

11 years ago
Reply to  Ken

I think are missing the fact that there are different messages given different ways.. in one instance Jesus cried aloud.. meaning He yelled.. another instance He took children in His lap.. In another he made a whip and turned over tables and chased people… in another He healed the sick… He taught in the synagogs.(sp) .. sometimes we are warning… sometimes preaching, sometimes teaching and other times comforting… The main thing is that we are obedient to warn, preach and Love. for doing this they may want to kill you…or they will fall in love with the Saviour of the World..

11 years ago
Reply to  Ken

Ah, but are you attracting crowds? Nope.

Awareness Advocate
Awareness Advocate
11 years ago
Reply to  Ken

-Matthew 12:19- He shall not strive, nor cry; neither shall any man hear his voice in the streets.
This is about the issue “He charged them not to make Him known’ (vs 16). He did not want extra publicity at that time. He wanted to have enough time before His crucifixion at Passover so as to teach His disciples.

That was then. Now we are commanded and commissioned to ‘go teach all nations’ (Mt. 28:19-20)

-Acts 5:20- Go, stand and speak in the temple to the people all the words of this life.

-Acts 5:25- Then came one and told them, saying, Behold, the men whom ye put in prison are standing in the temple, and teaching the people.

GOD says ‘Fear not to evangelize but speak and hold not thy peace for GOD has many people in this city’ (Acts 18:9-10).

11 years ago
Reply to  Calvin K

Jesus spoke, but Isaiah 42:2 states “He did not shout or cry out…” To shout and cry out, and that with a megaphone is not what Jesus did. All Christians are outraged about many things in our culture, but we are to use gentleness and patience, not hostility in spreading the Gospel. I read so many posts where the outrage far outshines God’s love, this tactic has not, is not and will not work in this culture. It only marginalizes the sacred.

11 years ago
Reply to  Fcb3

Interesting comment.. Have you been warning every man as the bible tells you? if your house is on fire i will not be politically correct.. i will kick the door in and yell as loud as i can.. In this world thousands are going into hell for eternity.. if you really believe in hell you would get their attention any way you could.. If you loved them…

Calvin K
Calvin K
11 years ago
Reply to  Fcb3

Fcb3…You are what is wrong with American Christianity… You profess to be loving but you are not… LOVE WARNS!!!!… 2 people die every second and go into eternity in this the World..That is 7200 people dying per hour and almost all of them are going to Hell….In Matt 7.. Jesus said that FEW will enter The Kingdom Of God & most are on the Broad road to Hell… Read Matt 7 for details…

Eze_33:9 Nevertheless, if thou WARN the wicked of his way to turn from it; if he do not turn from his way, he shall die in his iniquity; but thou hast delivered thy soul.
Act_20:31 Therefore watch, and remember, that by the space of three years I ceased not to WARN every one night and day with tears.
1Co_4:14 I write not these things to shame you, but as my beloved sons I WARN you.
1Th_5:14 Now we exhort you, brethren, WARN them that are unruly, comfort the feebleminded, support the weak, be patient toward all men.

11 years ago

They are warning people to repent. The bottom line is these guys are out there warning people to repent and turn to Jesus. I don’t see a lot of this maybe because people are more concerned about pleasing men then God. If the fear of the Lord is brought to us all in regards to their efforts then I praise God for that. It’s not that they only promote fear of the Lord but also love because love warns. The Scriptures tell us to be holy and the only way that can happen is by repenting of sin and drawing close to God through Jesus by way of His she’d blood. The Scriptures also teach that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. Also from fear of the Lord men will depart from evil. So if someone has the fear of the Lord after hearing these guys preach then they’ve done their job allowing that person to respect God repent and seek the mercy that is offered to those that humble themselves before God and ask for mercy.

11 years ago

The good that planned parenthood does?? You mean like the millions of babies that they have murdered? These children are born in the image of our God! These men are some of the few real Christians doing what we are all commanded to do… Love your neighbor! Proverbs 31:8 Open your mouth for the speechless, in the cause of all who are appointed to die. Matthew 25:45 Then he will answer them, saying, “assuredly I say to you, inasmuch as you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to Me.”

11 years ago
Reply to  Abigail

Actually, abortion is a mere 3% of the healthcare services at Planned Parenthood. 3%. And by the way “murdering babies” is illegal, abortion is not. And lastly, the bible says nothing about abortion.

This group is an excellent representation of people who just want to talk, and don’t want to find common ground. There is no compassion in their rhetoric.
I’m finished with the conversation. I’m late for my volunteer time at the local shelter.

11 years ago
Reply to  Matthew

How can planned parenthood have common ground with me if I think what they are doing is killing is a baby? Do they just start killing them half way? I will never find common ground with rapists, murderers or abortionists.

11 years ago
Reply to  Matthew

in 02 they made about 1/3 of their income from abortions.. look it up.. while they offer other services that do not make much money.. the money maker for them is the abortions. and government money…

11 years ago
Reply to  Matthew

Matthew, you said: ” And by the way “murdering babies” is illegal, abortion is not.”

WHAT? are you serious? do you know what Abortion IS? OR are you one of these spoken of in the scriptures…being WILLFULLY IGNORANT of such things because you are blinded by your own SIN.

The Bible DOES have something to say about Abortion. MURDER is wrong…no matter WHO you murder. Murdering a baby IS condemned in the scriptures. NO MURDERER has eternal life. PERIOD.

GOD calls YOU to REPENT and turn to HIM! Throw down your weapons and quit fighting against GOD! TODAY is the day of salvation. Your “volunteering” at the shelter DOES YOU NO GOOD on the day of judgment IF you are found to be unrepentant and still in your SINS. Your “good works/deeds” will NOT out weigh your WICKED HEART on the day of judgment.

Read and OBEY the Bible!

Lou Lou
Lou Lou
11 years ago

The question was: Is this type of evangelism ethical and effective? I say no. People who go to Planned Parenthood need help and it takes a lot of courage to walk in those doors. They don’t need to be yelled at. What they need is someone to love and comfort them before, during and after that experience. We live in a pluralistic society and can longer try to force others to be the same as us. That’s the beauty of a progressed world! Isn’t that why our country began in the first place? To get away from forced religion? We can all learn from one another and should lead my example, not with bullhorns.

11 years ago
Reply to  Lou Lou

Is that some kind of a joke? It takes “courage” to go to Planned Parenthood?!? It takes “courage” to commit murder? It takes “courage” to commit the ultimate act of selfishness? It takes “courage” to hire someone to kill your child for you?

Isaiah 5:20-23 “20 Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! 21 Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight! 22 Woe unto them that are mighty to drink wine, and men of strength to mingle strong drink: 23 Which justify the wicked for reward, and take away the righteousness of the righteous from him!”

Calvin K
Calvin K
11 years ago

This is the problem that I have with you Ken… You quote scriptures out of context…You quote Matt 10 and say don’t preach to those that will not listen..( dust of your sandals) & then you proceed to tell people that its not right for these men to yell or lift up their voices…If you were to read a little farther down in Matt 10 …. Jesus told the disciples this…..

Matt 10.27…27.. What I tell you in the dark, speak in the daylight. What is whispered in your ear, shout from the rooftops. 28 Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but can’t kill the soul. Instead, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell….

Again Ken you contradict yourself…. Oh bye the way.. have you ever used a Bullhorn???… The reason you use a Bullhorn is so that you don’t have to yell…A Bullhorn amplifies your voice… It makes your voice louder so you don’t have to yell…

11 years ago

I don’t totally agree with the teachings taught, not sure what I think about the bull horn..but if your house were on fire and someone was trying to wake you up, likely you would not object to any sincere measures. Christ in love DIED to save us. These people in love are trying to get people to pay attention before it’s too late. Men think that they can ‘modify’ God’s instructions and that God will be pleased with their efforts but that’s only because in reality they are their own gods. There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.Prov. 14:12 Put God first, put your feelings and thoughts last and do an honest study of the word love in God’s Word. Ask Him for enlightenment. None of us have it all right – -but for the sake of those that we love, we had better keep striving to that end!

Calvin K
Calvin K
11 years ago

Ken I can do this all day….You contradict these scriptures… I can find 50 more of these types of scriptures… Scriptures that tell US to lift up our voices & to WARN People

Isa 58:1 Cry aloud, spare not, LIFT UP YOUR VOICE LIKE A TRUMPET, and shew my people their transgression,

11 years ago

Just what Spokane needs, more loonies extolling the virtues of the Sky Wizard.

11 years ago

Screaming at women and children in a parking lot is not how I worship or praise God. To each their own.

Awareness Advocate
Awareness Advocate
11 years ago

-Psalms 127:3- Lo, children are an heritage of the LORD: and the fruit of the womb is his reward.

-Psalms 127:4- As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man; so are children of the youth.

-Psalms 127:5- Happy is the man that hath his quiver full of them: they shall not be ashamed, but they shall speak with the enemies in the gate.

People who go on to ‘higher learning’ while forgetting the basics, accomplish no good, but live only in what is esoteric (impractical). Jeremiah the prophet asked a good question we should all keep in remembrance “Why did I come forth from the womb? To see labor (trouble) and sorrow – that my days should be consumed with shame? (Jeremiah 20:18 – on account of his preaching) GOD answers the question of why we exist: We are here for the ‘praise of GOD’s glory’ (Ephesians 1:6, 12, 14); for GOD’s pleasure we are created (Revelation 4:11); a called forth people to show forth the praises of GOD who called us out of darkness (womb of earth) into HIS marvelous light (eternal life of heaven). (1Peter 2:9-10)

A scientist who has lost the foundation of knowledge of truth is an aberration and anathema (1 Timothy 6:20). Building towers (or abortion clinics) on foundations such as evolution that do not stand is delusion. If we want to study something, the place to start is to study GOD who made what it is we are studying for HIS purpose. Answer first ‘what purpose’? Jeremiah was given the answer to this one: ‘Work righteous judgment in the morning so as to DELIVER him who is plundered out of the hand of the oppressor’ (Jeremiah 21:12 – by preaching). In our day too, it is our GOD-given purpose to deliver the addict or victim out from being oppressed by those who market the vice (perpetrators) – abortion, alcohol, porn, nicotine, caffeine, gambling, profanity and mind-altering perversion of evolution and egotism – so that our faith and trust will be in GOD. This is our GOD-given purpose. + + +

There is a tremendous hunger and thirst for GOD’s righteousness (Matthew 5:6) in Spokane – all around us. It has just been stifled, belittled, rebuked and suppressed (Romans 1:18) so much that many people will not admit their spirits are wilted and desensitized (except maybe to a mental health counselor). The key to life sciences is eternal life science. Keep your heart with all diligence for put of it are the issues of life (Proverbs 4:23). Christ is lifted up and all people are being drawn unto Him (John 12:32) by the Holy Spirit (John 7:38-39). GOD says ‘Fear not to evangelize but speak and hold not thy peace for GOD has many people in this city’ (Acts 18:9-10). Jeremiah told people who went to do opposite of what GOD’s revealed purpose for them was to do ‘GOD will show you whose word will stand, MINE or yours (Jeremiah 44:28).

-Proverbs 10:29- The way of the LORD is strength to the upright: but destruction shall be to the workers of iniquity.
-Proverbs 15:24- The way of life is above to the wise, that he may depart from hell beneath.

11 years ago

So glad to see these folks out preaching to the people! I WISH more of the church would be bold enough to take a stand against the SIN that ravages our society! Darkness UNOPPOSED spreads like wildfire. Thank the LIVING GOD of heaven that there are those with enough LOVE to deny themselves, put their lives on the line and WARN the wicked to repent!

ETERNITY is at stake here. This goes beyond the natural into the SPIRITUAL. OF course, those who are in SIN and compromise are not going to like this kind of preaching because it brings to the surface the SIN that people try and hide. GOD, and the preaching of HIS eternal WORD, bring LIGHT to the darkness. SINNERS begin to squirm because the HOLY SPIRIT bears down upon the conscience with conviction revealing that they are in controversy with their CREATOR! Every sinner (including those within the church living in compromise) will give an account for their choices on the day of Judgment. DO NOT deceive yourself, NONE will escape the RIGHTEOUS judgment of our HOLY GOD!

I am BLESSED beyond measure every time I see these brave and courageous folks sharing the gospel message. I can tell that they LOVE people because they are concerned about where folks will spend ETERNITY and HELL IS VERY ALARMING!!! Wake up!!! Life is a vapor and none of us know how long we have to live…ETERNITY is FOREVER…

REPENT NOW and believe the gospel which is able to save your soul!

Jan Shannon
11 years ago

Wow, there’s a lot here to comment on…where to start??
First off, I’ll answer the original question, do I think this type of proselytizing is ethical and effective. My answer is no and no, but I am assuming a lot in my answer. I am a Christian, and I believe one of the critical parts of the Christian life is our motivation. Jesus often spoke thru parables about a person’s motivation for their actions, and that it was the “heart” that mattered to God more than the actions. Based on the fact that these men chose Planned Parenthood to “preach” at (and I use that term very loosely because I do not see this as preaching) tells me that their motivation is not to “preach the gospel to all nations…and baptize…” them, because they are not talking to anyone, they are only talking at them. I believe their motivation is to shame or fear someone into not going into the clinic, which is not either preaching or evangelism. Evangelism’s goal is to draw people to God not to convict them of their guilt (supposed guilt in this case because the bullhorn blowers don’t know why someone is entering the clinic). So, not ethical.
As to effective, I don’t believe it is effective either. How many people have gone over to talk to the men either before or after going into the clinic? The proof of effective ministry is results, either internally in persons or externally in the growth of the ministry.
Throughout these comments, I see the use of the word “fear” from scriptural quotes, but as we all know, language changes over time, and what the word fear meant in the KJV bible is not the same as we commonly use that same word now. God does not want us to be scared, God is love, and that is a universally biblical truth that can and should be preached everywhere. However, before you can preach it, you must live it. You cannot and are not preaching the love of God if you are not loving the person you are speaking to. It is impossible. First love the other, then you can speak in love. If you are speaking in judgment then clearly that is what you feel, and it is what the listener will hear.
As for the motivation of the people going into the clinic, to assume you know what it is is only arrogance and a lie. The only way to know the why behind someone’s actions is to ask them, and the New Testament speaks rather harshly to those who would assume they know the heart of someone else – only God knows the heart. If you do not know why they are entering the clinic, you are judging them falsely, and that is a subject that Jesus was rather negative on.
And if someone is entering the clinic to have an abortion, again for reason we cannot know, they are only deserving of our love and prayers. Do unto others is our abiding rule, so how would you like it if someone yelled at you for your actions before knowing why you were doing it?
Love first, love again, keep loving. That’s what this world needs.

Calvin K
Calvin K
11 years ago
Reply to  Jan Shannon

Jan have you been there when these Men preached?… Then how would you know what they are saying? henceforth their motivation?…. You just judged those Men without facts !… Isn’t that unloving?…Isn’t that being judgmental?…this type of behavior contradicts your post above… Just remember that Jesus exposed Hypocrites…

Jan Shannon says .. “And if someone is entering the clinic to have an abortion, again for reason we cannot know, they are only deserving of our love and prayers. Do unto others is our abiding rule,”

Those Men are doing unto others that I would like done unto Me… I would hope.. if someone was trying to murder Me that someone would stand up and YELL !…

Jan Shannon asking people to pray for those Women to have a successful murder…Is Murder in itself..

.Was Jesus wrong when He went into the Temple chasing people with a Whip & knocking over tables?

11 years ago
Reply to  Jan Shannon

a warning to folks in many cases will be load and even obnoxious to folks until they know they are in danger.. so i think their are various methods to use depending on who… you are speaking to.. at planned parenthood and the premeditated addenda of making an income from killing babies needs to have a aggressive warning to all who enter that place… in other areas where people are just needing hope you would give another type message. some need comfort and others need confrontation.. Jesus did that.. Most people who say they Christians are stealth agents.. they only tell some people about the truth of eternal life. some on the other hand want to warn all men as the scriptures say.. The Lord works in His people both to will and to do of His good pleasure… as long as they are out there i applaud that obedience.. the how to do it perfect will come as they hear the Lord.. Better to go and risk making a mistake than to sit home and see people go to hell without anyone extending a warning..

11 years ago

Abortions rule!!!

11 years ago

Problem is…these guys do not know the Bible. I’ve talked to them. They truly don’t understand the gospel and only have about a dozen one liners memorized. When you say things from the Bible that does not coincide with their beliefs they get angry and volatile. They should pack it up and get to know Christ first.

Jan Shannon
11 years ago
Reply to  Richard

Richard, I agree! I was reading Psalm 50 just now and it really seemed to fit this situation.

Calvin K
Calvin K
11 years ago
Reply to  Jan Shannon

I remember you Richard…. The one that says God does not require Holiness… You can be a drunk… Whoremonger… Gay & so on and still make it to Heaven… You are the one that Got volatile and Angry with Us… You were screaming at Us at the very end….

Now Jan… ignorance is not bliss…Psalm 50 is about The Day of The Lord…. Its about Jesus coming back to Judge the Earth with fierce vengeance to destroy his adversaries the wicked people….So you are right about one thing… We are warning people that God is coming to destroy his enemies… Better get right with God…How do I know this ? because Chapters like Psalm 50 says so… Thanks Jan for proving why we are out there on the Streets

11 years ago

Their actions are not proselytizing. Those guys are picketers, protesters and heretics. If proselytization is to convert or attempt to convert (someone) from one religion, belief, or opinion to another, they have it wrong. Proselytization would have to include three basic elements of communication, message, receiver, feedback. All these idiots are doing is trying to convey a message, hateful in nature, and trying to use the scriptures as justification for their hatred or disdain for whatever Paul Rodkey is doing/saying. I don’t go to church and haven’t, for years; however, I might just start attending services at Bethany Pres, in support of the Rodkey’s and their flock. I do remember a song we used to sing, “… You Will Know They are Christians By Their Love” those sign holders show no love whatsoever. Christianity would be such a great religion, if it were not for those damned Christians!

Calvin K
Calvin K
11 years ago
Reply to  Vince

Well those people who hold those signs are right on… They expose heretics and liars like Paul Rodkey…. Paul Rodkey calls Jesus a liar…. So who are the real haters… People like Vince….Vince for someone who promotes love why are you so hateful…You don’t sound to loving to Me… You don’t sound to tolerant to Me… Can anyone say Hypocrite !

Christianity would be such a great religion,if it were not for those Lukewarm Christians

Real Christians expose Sin ! False Christians defend Sin !

Awareness Advocate
Awareness Advocate
10 years ago

GOD seeks a GODly seed -Malachi 2:15-.


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