FāVS News is thrilled to announce the return of in-person community events, kicking off with their first ever Happy Hour on Saturday, March 23 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m at ELEVAR in downtown Spokane. After a long pandemic hiatus, FāVS News is bringing people together again for connection and conversation.
This Roundup features events this weekend to a documentary screening about Gaza Strip before the latest war through the eyes of a boy and a Purim dinner and theater show, research showing how WA is a great place for women business owners and more religion and ethics news.
The Spokane NAACP put on a Town Hall meeting in lieu of their monthly general meeting last night (March 20) at Central Library’s nxʷyxʷyetkʷ Hall to discuss “Addressing Racial Incidents in Our Schools.”
The Spokane Indian Community will be hosting a Holi Celebration on Saturday, March 23, at the Southside Senior and Community Center, 3151 E 27th Ave., on the South Hill.
A vibrant new congregation at Valleypoint Church is breathing fresh life into Marshallese traditions. Valleypoint Marshallese blends cultural heritage with a contemporary twist, crafting a welcoming space for youth and young adults to worship and explore their roots through a Southern Baptist lens.