As the Spirit hovered over the waters of creation
and your Word was spoken
“Let there be Light”
and the Eternal Word breathed Life into Creation.
May I be aware of this life breath within me.
Create me anew by the power of your Holy Spirit.
As the Spirit hovered over the waters
of Mary’s Womb
and your Word was spoken
“Let there be Light”
and the Eternal Word became
the Light of Creation.
Be this Light within me.
Breathe your Holy Spirit over me.
As the Spirit hovered over the waters of Galilee
and your Word was spoken,
“Let there be Peace”
and the Eternal Word calmed
the Winds and the Sea.
Show your dominion over me.
Calm the stormy waters of my soul.
As the Spirit hovered over
the waters from your Side
and your Word was spoken
“Not my will, but yours be done”
and the Eternal Word breathed Life into Creation.
Transform me by the Power
of your Paschal Mystery.
Baptize me in the water and blood pouring forth
from your Most Sacred Heart.
As the Spirit hovered over
the disciples on Pentecost
and your Word was spoken
“Do not be afraid”
and the Eternal Word breathed Life into Creation.
Infuse us with the Fire of Your Holy Love.
May we witness to Your Divine Life
living within us.
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