By Toni Niemiec
After the march on Saturday I shared my experience with a close friend. I talked about the incredible energy and the clarity of intention which was demonstrated in the kindness of all involved. I told her of my realization that if each person who walked, and each person who was touched in some way by the march, made one small change to bring our gift more wholly to life we would have global transformation.
My friend asked, “What will you change?” I thought, and remembered a recent incident when I noticed a family at the bus station. The parents were juggling many things and had not noticed the baby’s hood had fallen off. The temperature was in the “teens,” I hesitated for a moment and then walked up and put the hood back on the baby’s head. The father looked at me and gave me a smile and a “Thank you.”
I responded to my friend, “I will notice when I am prompted to do something kind and I hold back. I will move through whatever has held me back and do it anyway. Kindness, that is what I will bring.”
With clarity, I set my intention
To notice, and listening to my heart,
I bring kindness.