If by “Second Coming” we mean the appearance of Jesus on the clouds of heaven, supported by some sort of celestial army come to destroy all the evil people and preserve all the good, something of that sort, then no, I do not believe that will happen.
An apocalypse of that sort will not come as the divine punishment for evil and reward for good. The apocalypse, if it comes, will be entirely human caused, and it will happen in the form of nuclear holocaust or the complete contamination of the earth by other human caused means, and it will be the consequence of enormous human folly.
But if by “Second Coming” we mean the sustaining presence of God’s Holy Spirit, a presence given us after the resurrection, then I certainly do believe in the Second Coming and would suggest that it already happened, approximately 1,980 years ago, more or less.
I absolutely believe in Jesus literal return to earth! I believe it because I believe that the Bible is God’s revealed truth and is authoritative I everything it says. He promised He was coming back and He ALWAYS keeps His promises. If you can’t believe what scripture says about His glorious return, then you can’t have faith or hope in any of the other promises. If so, on what grounds?