This week's Roundup discusses religious freedom, women's reproductive rights, a denomination weighing their language about LGBTQ+ policies, Ukrainian churches in Washington, a special story about FāVS' editor and more.
In this week's roundup we write about about Lunar New Year becoming a state holiday, an upcoming Black-owned business and resource fair, Nirvana Day celebrated at a Buddhist temple, an Idaho bill proposing teachers do not have to use students preferred pronouns and a convent transforming into a assisted living facility.
Read about the new Mighty to Save Ministries and how they serve the homeless population, the nearly full Coeur d’Alene City Council opening prayer line-up and an upcoming Buddhist New Year's Eve celebration at Spokane Buddhist Temple.
On Aug. 28 the Spokane Buddhist Temple, 927 S. Perry, will welcome Rev. Kenneth Ken'ichi Tanaka to a deliver a seminar titled, "The Heart of Shin Buddhism: A Path of Meaning and Happiness within an Anxious Life and World."