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HomeTagsPlanned parenthood

Tag: planned parenthood

‘We both could’ve died.’

A bill being debated in the legislature would pause hospital system consolidation to preserve patient access to specific forms of care. Opponents argue, “God Bless mergers.”

Can a Christian support Planned Parenthood?

I increasingly see this attitude of dismissal take many forms, and even under the guise of Christianity. Don’t like someone’s political post? Unfollow. Don’t like what a person tweeted? Write a scathing 140 character figurative jab and then exit screen. Hear about a public figure committing a “moral error?” Keep your eyes glued to the television to hear of their immediate termination of employment, witness the remnants of their career and their narrative quickly disappear from record, and watch with baited breath as they suffer from the consequences of condemnation by the jury of public opinion.

Whitworth alum disappointed with university’s decision to cut ties with Planned Parenthood

This week, Whitworth University’s president Beck Taylor announced that the school would cut all formal ties with Planned Parenthood.

Donors share why they support new Planned Parenthood facility in Spokane

On Thursday evening about 100 Planned Parenthood supporters celebrated the forthcoming construction of the organization’s brand new, 16,000 square-foot, cutting edge reproductive health care facility.

Planned Parenthood protests planned this weekend, locally and nationally

Thousands are expected to protest outside Planned Parenthood locations across the country this weekend as part of the #ProtestPP coalition.

Advocating, Life, Choice and Realistic Solutions

This is a point that polarizes both pro-life and pro-choice advocates and keeps them staunchly at odds, incapable of being able to move forward in finding any semblance of common ground to address the true complexities of the issue.

House Speaker Boehner Says Goal Is To Stop Sale of “Baby Parts”

U.S. House of Representatives Speaker John Boehner said on Thursday the goal in negotiations over funding for Planned Parenthood was to avoid a government shutdown on Oct. 1 and also to stop the sale of "baby parts."

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