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Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Tag: love

Claiming An Expanded Version of Love

Attending the 2015 Parliament of Religions alongside 10,000 other people an hour's drive from where I was born with my mother has had a powerful effect on me.

The Jesus message, and the pope’s, will remain unpopular

The pope will be busy on his trip, armed with a forgotten or neglect part of Christian theology.

Father Knows Best: Is falling in love with someone online OK?

I suppose, Alex, that there is a distant chance that the two of you will find a way onto the same continent and that what you are feeling now with grow into love

“What we give our attention to most defines us”

What we give our attention to most defines us. What we give attention to defines our god.

There is absolutely no difference between straights and gays

In that sense, there is no difference between gays and straights. None! We have all abused our free will to create conflicting definitions of love, marriage and sex and thus refusing to allow God, who is love and the author of human sexuality, to define and explain those terms for us.

This Definition of Love May Leave You Agape

We can love like this only when we confess that such love is only possible by God's grace and then ask for it – i.e., for his ability to love, which he freely bestows on those who want it. With commitment and practice agape-love becomes real, and I realize it's not just me loving. God and I are doing it together because agape-love is the result of the relationship between God and me.

Humanity has 7 billion ways to define love

Two weeks ago I asked readers to define the word “love,” which I contend is the correct starting place for unpacking the real issue behind the Supreme Court's June 26 decision to legalize gay marriage.

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