It was raining, like only Portland can pour — long, cold and dreary. My roommate had moved out because I had recommitted my life to Christ and the changes were a drag to him.
On Tuesday the writers of this website got a little blogging How-to class from our editor. We were at Indaba Coffee, a really charming establishment that shares its space with a non-profit bookstore and supports local artists.
In recent days, world leaders have gathered in hopes of crafting a more peaceful future. As these members of NATO met in Chicago, others who doubted their ability or will to truly commit to peace also gathered to protest.
Over coffee in a local spot, a non-church going community member asked me if I’d seen the recent hate-filled preaching of one Pastor Charles L. Worley in North Carolina. I had to “confess” that I had (up to that point) chosen not to watch and listen to him, but I’d heard enough and read numerous Facebook comments from others.
"Meditation," an often misunderstood Buddhist practice, is the topic of the June 3 Sharing the Dharma Day at Sravasti Abbey, the Buddhist monastery near Newport.
The most revealing vision of Hell in art for me comes from an atheist. J P Sartre’s play, "Huis Clois" or "No Exit" premiered in May of 1944 just before the liberation of Paris.