“Conclave” is based on the 2016 novel by Robert Harris examining what could happen during the College of Cardinals conclave following the death of a pope. Be prepared if you see it. There is a twist at the end, but, that ending is the grace note most humans need.
Controversy surrounds the issue of gender-affirming care in Catholic hospitals. Read about Bishop Thomas Daly's plans to confront hospitals offering these services.
In a move that would signal a seismic shift for the Catholic church, Pope Francis said he’s open to blessing same-sex unions and to studying the possibility of ordaining women to the priesthood.
The sacraments are given to us as ways to nourish, in various ways, an active love for God and neighbor. They are means to an end, not ends in themselves.
The difference between the two Christian churches was the Eastern Orthodox Church did not add too, subtract from, or alter any of the original teachings and beliefs of the original faith of Christ and the apostles to this day.