Relationships and sexuality will be the topic of discussion next weekend at Victory Faith Fellowship. Jim Anderson, author of “Unmasked” will be leading a conference there March 30 and 31. His book is about sexual sins in today’s culture. More info on the free event can be found here.
There’s really no good way to segue from sex to this next topic: Easter. SpokaneFAVS needs your Holy Week and Easter listings stat! If you want your church included on our list of services then please email your service times to [email protected].
Perhaps you’ve heard by now that Harold Camping apologized for his inaccurate rapture prediction. But he’s not the only who thought the world would be ending soon. The Mayans thought 2012 would be humanity’s last chapter. Rev. Clare Austen, of Unity Spokane will preach about the end of days in her sermon on Sunday, titled “2012 & The Rapture.” Services will be at 9 and 11 a.m.
I thought maybe I’d take my grill out of hibernation this weekend, but then the weather turned. So much for grilled veggies, how about a nice bowl of soup instead? Cup of Cool Water ministries posted a recipe this week for Asparagus Leek Soup. Yum!
A variety show on April 5 will benefit Transitions ministry. Transitions is a program that helps local women in need. You can support the program by buying a $10 ticket for The Angry Woman Cabaret, which will be at Bing Crosby Theater. The show features “the massive scope of women’s contributions to the entertainment and the arts.”
And speaking of fundraisers, I hope you’ll attend SpokaneFAVS first one on April 10, “Advancing your church in the Digital Age.” I’ll be leading a workshop at St. John’s Cathedral explaining how your place of worship can have an online presence. A website isn’t enough anymore folks. You don’t need tickets, I only ask that you make a donation. Hope to see you then!
Have something you think should be included in next week’s wrap-up? Email it to [email protected]