Why oh Lord am I here?
Why have you created me?
What is the purpose of my life?
Why must I endure this suffering?
When will you call me home to yourself?
Oh, my child you are home,
The kingdom of God is at hand.
I am Love,
and I created you out of Love,
For Love must have a recipient.
Love must be freely given and freely received.
Your life is a Divine Gift.
Receive it.
My love has been freely given.
Receive it.
When you receive me into yourself,
the boundaries of your ego burst open,
you dissolve into my Presence,
and become One with me,
I live in you and you in me.
This is what it means to be,
a Hearer of the Word of God,
to receive the Word made flesh,
to taste and see the goodness of the Lord,
to celebrate Life!
To celebrate the Eucharist,
the Great Thanksgiving,
where you become what you receive.
Gratitude, the response,
to the gift of Life!