45 F
Sunday, October 6, 2024


The screaming message: Love is a commandment

The shrieking of a 2-year-old in church forced me to deal with my pastor's words immediately.

Anger: When Bad Things Happen to Good People

Does illness or death change your attitude towards God?

Why Jesus chose a devil as a disciple

Christians should be on the front lines of interfaith work.

Battling Beasts Again: reflections on the recent Christian martyrs

As a Christian, the almost weekly news of followers of Jesus being tortured, raped, beheaded, burned alive, driven from homes and ancestral lands adds a weight of sorrow that I have never experienced in my 29 years as a follower of Jesus.

Choose love this Lenten season

After a certain age, most of us die to the idea of having love in our lives.

Finding The Cure in the Babylonian Talmud

A religious person is not to say, "If God wants me to be ill, I will be ill, and if God wants me to recover, God will heal me without medical intervention,"

God’s lessons are cumulative

Jesus is the Lord of my schedule, the Lord of my cellphone, the Lord of my annoyances and exhaustion, the Lord who remains in control of my life, no matter what.

Must read