59.8 F
Saturday, March 1, 2025

Blaine Stum

Blaine Stum is a 30-something-year-old native of the Spokane area who was raised in Spokane Valley. He graduated from Gonzaga University with a bachelor's degree in political science. He works in the local political arena and has been involved in LGBT non-profit work for several years.

Spokane’s downtown bus plaza and the continued war on the poor

If you read the Spokesman-Review last week, you might have seen the alarming news that Spokane Transit Authority put the much needed remodel of the downtown bus plaza on hold.

Israel-Palestine and the Elusive Peace

One day, he told me he was from Bethlehem in Palestine. He started to tell me about what life was like in Palestine: clean water was scarce, poverty was endemic, military checkpoints degraded and humiliated people, settler roads cut the occupied territories up and made it impossible for people like him to travel, he had to go through Jordan when visiting home because he would be detained if he tried to return through Israel.

Racism influences Spokane marijuana trade

On a Monday night several months ago at Emannuel Family Life Center, a room packed full of people met for the monthly NAACP Spokane Chapter meeting. James Wilburn, the president of our local NAACP, was standing in front of the room when he pulled out a Spokesman-Review article about the location of marijuana retail stores in Spokane.

Supreme Court ruling a slap in the face to women’s rights

The court decided that the contraception mandate in the Affordable Care Act could not require closely held corporations to provide health coverage that includes contraceptives. Beyond setting a horrible precedent with this case, the ruling is another horrifying blow to both women’s rights and workers’ rights.

Effective global open door policies should influence U.S border politics

We are a nation of immigrants, as the saying goes. Despite this obvious fact, we resist tooth and nail the implementation of anything approaching a humane immigration system.

Please sit and lie

I stroll through downtown every day on my to and from work. My walk is usually pleasant, but jarring.

Evil Has a Face: Us

Another mass shooting takes place in America. We pay our respects to the victims of such a tragedy, condemn the man who committed it and move on

Must read