A recent study released by the Pew Forum on Religious and Public life show one in five American adults now consider themselves “religiously unaffiliated.” That's 20 percent of the population, a 25 percent increase from five years ago.
SpokaneFAVS writer Rev. Craig Goodwin analyzes this study in his article, “Ranks of religiously unaffiliated rises to 1 in 5 Americans.”
Are you religious unaffiliated? Why or why not?
Since I received Christ into my life around 30 years ago I have always resisted being called religious. The very basic definition of religion is just doing something over and over. Spiritually speaking I would say religion is man’s attempt at earning God’s favor by our good works, which the Bible says is impossible. I am a member of a local independent community Bible church and absolutely love being there, but I would not consider myself to be religiously affiliated. However for the purpose of answering your question in the spirit of how you asked, yes I am. God directs Christian believers not to forsake the assembling of themselves together and the church is something Jesus Christ Himself is building, so that’s why I am part of it, praise God!