Immaculate Heart Retreat Center will host an Eve of Prayer on the blessings and blunders of marriage on Oct. 18.
“Suffering and Self-Sacrifice in Marriage: What the Wedding Feast at Cana and Christ on the Cross can teach us about Holy Matrimony,” will be lead by the Rev. Jeffrey Lewis, pastor of Parishes of Chewelah, Springdale, and Valley.
“We remember that unlike mere contracts (which are a 50/50 proposition), the covenant of Holy Matrimony is a 100/100 proposition: each half of the whole is all-in! This is the beautiful and mysterious spirituality of Holy Matrimony – a spirituality of self-sacrifice. At Cana and on the Cross, Jesus models for us what self-sacrifice is, and married couples who embrace this holy model hopefully will enjoy a rejuvenated marital bliss full of new vigor and blessed joy,” according to a press release.
The presentation will be from 5-8 p.m. It will begin with Mass and includes dinners two conferences and ends with Adoration. Cost is $38 per person or $60 per couple.
For information email or call 509-448-1224, ext. 109.