“Appearing and Empty,” is the ninth volume in The Library of Wisdom and Compassion series the Dalai Lama has co-written with Sravasti Abbey founder and abbess Ven. Thubten Chodron.
The Tibetans are a demonstrative, loving people, and His Holiness is well known and well-loved for his affectionate playfulness. He greets everyone he meets as a friend, a member of his own family, because for the Dalai Lama, every human being is a dear relative, a member of the same human family that shares life on this planet.
The Tibetan Buddhist tradition has produced many meditation masters and teachers (lamas), but women are rarely recognized among their ranks. Her Eminence Dagmo Kusho Sakya (known as Dagmola) is an exception.
The Dalai Lama has given Nicholas Vreeland, director of The Tibet Center in New York, a daunting new assignment. On July 6, Vreeland will be enthroned as the new abbot of Rato Monastery in southern India, one of the most important monasteries in Tibetan Buddhism.
This summer young adults ages 18 to 29 can explore the teachings of Tibetan Buddhism within Western at Sravasti Abbey, a Buddhist monastic community...