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HomeTagsReferendum 74

Tag: referendum 74

BRIEF: Marriage application process to include same gender forms on Thursday

With the passage of Referendum 74, same gender couples will be able to apply for marriage licenses beginning on Thursday.

Passage of Ref 74 could threaten constitutional rights of Christians, others opposed to gay marriage

Opponents of Referendum 74, the ballot measure that would legalize gay marriage in Washington State, are correct when they argue that church groups and individuals who disagree with gay marriage could find themselves facing stiff legal sanctions.

Supporters of the measure have embarked on a slick, well-funded propaganda campaign in an effort to convince Washington voters that gay marriage is the greatest thing since the invention of the wheel.

15 Spokane area faith leaders appear on billboards supporting Referendum 74

On Monday the first of three 10’ X 30’ billboards was placed at 2nd and Stevens streets in favor of same-sex marriage. The billboard states in bold rainbow colored letters that, “People of Faith Support Freedom to Marry,” and contains a group photograph of 15 Spokane area ministers, clergy, and other faith leaders encouraging those who see it to “Vote Yes” on Referendum 74.

Is Referendum 74 a religious issue?

On Thursday there was a “discussion” on Referendum 74, the marriage equality proposal, at the Spokane Rotary Club. The discussion was between Bishop Blase Cupich, of the Catholic Diocese of Spokane, and City Councilman Jon Snyder.

Catholic bishop to debate gay marriage with councilman

On Thursday, at 12:20 p.m., the Rotary Club of Spokane #21 will host a "leadership dialogue" on gay marriage between Bishop Blase Cupich, of the Catholic Diocese of Spokane, and City Councilman Jon Snyder.

The discussion, "Referendum 74 on Marriage Equality," will be moderated by Rotary member Steve Becker.

Affirming Referendum 74

This year, voters in Washington state have the chance for vote on Referendum 74, which if passed would affirm the legality of gay marriage in our state. I’m a Christian. I’m also voting YES on this ballot measure, and I’d like to tell you why.

Catholic bishop steps up teachings on marriage, family

On Tuesday Bishop Blase Cupich, of the Catholic Diocese of Spokane, sent his third letter to parishioners, urging them to vote no on Referendum 74, and reminding them of the Catholic teachings on marriage and family.

Must read