Today, I know people from all sides of the political spectrum and from many different faiths. In this heated election season, it's been quite tempting to take sides and write off people as racist or sexist, but my own history won't let me do that so easily.
Needless to say, I found nothing about the Clinton Foundation, Social Security or illegal immigration on the southern border.
I did, however notice two things that could send one to hell; Rejecting Jesus Christ as one’s personal Lord and Savior, and blaspheming the Holy Spirit.
However, the church, not only can, it should, take a stand on political issues: Civil rights, discrimination, how we treat the poor, homeless an hungry, and many other issues.
The rise of outsiders who threaten the Democrat and Republican status quo is a monumental advancement for those of us who think both parties are too hard left and too hard right and have been multiplying a mess of mediocre moderates.
Basically, if you were to do a casting-call for a character with the opposite characteristics of what a Christian should look like, Donald Trump would be the person for the role.