2.1 F
Monday, February 10, 2025

Tag: multifaith

April Coffee Talk — Religion Reporters: The Next Generation This Saturday

For the past school year FāVS editor Tracy Simmons has been leading a group of journalism students from Washington State University on a religion reporting field trip where they toured houses of worship and learned about faiths and cultures they might report on one day. 

April Coffee Talk — Religion Reporters: The Next Generation

For the past school year FāVS editor Tracy Simmons has been leading a group of journalism students from Washington State University on a religion reporting field trip where they toured houses of worship and learned about faiths and cultures they might report on one day. 

Why Is Lent an Important Season?

The word “Lent” has various meanings. According to the Collins Dictionary, the Ango-Saxon root of “Lencten” means Spring in Latin and the lengthening of the hours of daylight. It also signifies 40 days. In many faith traditions, the number 40 symbolizes key events. For example, both Moses and Jesus waited 40 days and nights before receiving God’s guidance.

Spokane Area Chaplains Act as Ambassadors of Hope, Reconciliation between — & for — Law Enforcement & Public

With trust in police and police training declining each year, according to polls, local sheriff’s chaplains act as ambassadors of hope and reconciliation between communities and their police departments — especially in light of Tyre Nichols’ fatal beating at the hands of five police officers in Memphis, Tennessee.

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