Hannah Talbot opened Anam Cara Healing Center in 2022, overcoming early skepticism to create a community-focused wellness space, recently winning a "Best in Downtown" award.
The Ven. Sangye Khadro, a well-known Buddhist nun, teacher and author — along with other monastics from Sravasti Abbey — will give a series of talks on being “Courageous and Kind” to show others how they can mitigate their anxieties.
Often people like to jump right into meditation, but it’s much more effective to engage with Buddha’s teachings in a three-step sequence: hearing, thinking and then meditating.
The use of, and beliefs about, short recitations are universal in the traditional forms of Buddhism. Popularly known as mantras, the term, derived from Sanskrit, breaks down into two parts: man means to think; and tra is a suffix that designates a tool or instrument. So the literal meaning is: “an instrument of thought.”