Immaculate Heart Retreat Center will offer “Barbecue with Bishop Emeritus Skylstad” on Aug. 25. The theme is “The Family in the Modern World: the Challenges and the Opportunities.”
Immaculate Heart Retreat Center will host a Silent Day of Prayer on the Joy of the Gospel entitled, “Pope Francis’ Message: Hope and Joy” led by the Rev. Robert McNeese on July 28 from 9 a.m — 3 p.m.
The grim reaper stands on the tip of the tiny left shoe. Behind him, a soldier emerges from the white laces, fixed above three protruding nails. On the left shoe: a heart broken in half, an eye crying blood.
Immaculate Heart Retreat Center will host an 8-day Ignatian Silent Retreat, “Praying and Contemplating in the Ignatian Way” conducted by the Rev. Alan Yost, July 20- July 27.
Immaculate Heart Retreat Center will host a Day of Prayer on Prayer entitled, “Prayer-How do you do it? Simple Strategies and Practical Solutions,” which will be lead by the Rev. Jeff Core on April 22.
Coffee and Contemplation, a spiritual discussion and prayer event for people of all denominations will continue April 15 at Immaculate Heart Retreat Center with John L. Sandford of Elijah House.