Here is a list of the variety of services happening this Holy Week. This list is only a sample. If you don’t see your church and would like to have it added, please send your service times to Cassy Benefield at
This year Christians are contemplating Jesus’ disruptive death in a Holy Week like few others, except perhaps the first. Surrounded by so much death we can barely leave our homes, there will be no egg hunts allowed, no Easter speeches from children claiming their own words of liberation, no “Hallelujah” choruses, except maybe a recording online.
Immaculate Heart Retreat Center will be holding two retreats for Holy Week titled, "To Die with Him is to Live with Him," led by Rev. Gregory Cleveland of the Archdiocese of Denver.
The first of the three sacred days of the Triduum, leading up to the Feast of Resurrection, is called Maundy Thursday. As a child I always wondered why we were calling it Monday Thursday.