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Tag: Entertainment & Pop Culture

When God puts his thumb on the scale

Herewith is part three of my secular/atheist reaction to The Bible series on the History Channel. Knowing of the reality series roots of Mark Burnett, the product he and his wife produced is threatening to become a theological version of The Biggest Loser: trimming line by line all manner of inconvenient Bible text (from Genesis to Judges) to leave the leaner, tidier finished product beaming at the end.

Paramore’s emo music inspired by faith

What is “emo,” you ask? And who is Paramore? They are a pop punk band from Franklin, Tenn. Paramore is frontwoman and lead vocalist Heyley Williams, guitarist Taylor York and bassist Jeremy Davis. Heyley told NPR Weekend Edition Sunday “emo” stands for emotion.

Samson and other delinquencies in “The Bible”

Roma Downey and Mark Burnett’s miniseries “The Bible” on the History Channel sparked some deserved head scratching on this site and elsewhere as to how many liberties with a source text are OK in a dramatization. This is serious enough when it comes to secular history (recall the Connecticut Senator who bristled at how his state’s delegation was incorrectly depicted in Steven Spielberg’s “Lincoln”) but takes on added gravitas when the source text is held by millions to be holy writ.

The issue becomes more interesting if a dramatist’s liberties with the text err on the side of rationalization: leaving things out which if included might cause viewers to see the story in a very different way.

Why public schools should teach the Bible

The headline for this post is the same as the title of a March 1 article in the the Wall Street Journal, by Roma Downey and Mark Burnett, producers of the new History Channel miniseries "The Bible". Roma (who starred in the reverential "Touched By an Angel" series some years back) and her husband Burnett (successful producer of reality shows like "Survivor" and "The Apprentice") have definitely got a mission, feeling America’s children are getting a raw deal by our present educational establishment: “It’s time to encourage, perhaps even mandate, the teaching of the Bible in public schools as a primary document of Western civilization.”

Tonight’s benefit concert to help Spokane refugees

World Relief Spokane will be putting on its first benefit concert tonight at the Bing Crosby Theater. Crème Tangerine, a Seattle-based Beatles tribute band, will be doing the honors. The concert will be at 6:30 p.m.

Spokane band hopes to “Raze the City”

Raze the City, a band formed by guitarist Mike Nielsen and Christian singer Chelsey Heidenreich, performed at Carr’s Corner in downtown Spokane Saturday night. The bar on the corner of 3rd and Washington was purchased and resurrected just three years ago as a live music venue, bringing in acts from all over the Northwest. Carr’s supports local artists by not charging for their performance, allowing newer groups an affordable venue.

People interpret the Bible differently

I think a creative liberty is an interpretation.

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