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Tag: Doctrine & Practice

Spokane YouTuber Shares Her Faith Through Video Series

Faith has always been an important part of Elaine Snider’s life, to the point where she took theology classes and considered becoming a chaplain. More recently that faith has been expressed through her YouTube channel, "The Whimsical Byzantine," and video reenactments centered on the Nicene Creed.

The Concept of Godly Punishment Never Made Sense to Me, and Now I See Why

God lands on the side of love. Maybe it’s us who are confused about why the Christian tradition has settled for controlling its followers with the threat of punishment both here and in eternity.

Ask A Mormon: Why do men and women become eligible for missions at different ages?

Why do men and women become eligible to go on a mission at different ages — i.e. men earlier than women? It seems that women mature faster than men, and so it conceivably is more logical to send women on a mission at younger ages, since they are likely more mature than a boy/man the same age.

Do you believe in miracle healings?

Evangelist Benny Hinn was in Toledo, Ohio on Sunday night (Sept. 8) for a “Special Miracle Service” at Cornerstone Church.

Hinn lays hands on people who have physical illness or ailments to heal them of their maladies.

Meet Melissa Gish, our “Christianity has a bad rap” writer

Melissa Gish, a former elementary teacher, is committed to teaching her children how to be "decent human beings."

A member of First Presbyterian Church, Gish says she, "strives to be the kind of Christian that doesn’t give Christianity a bad rap."

Ask A Mormon: Do Mormons face more pressure than other Christians?

Do you feel like you, as a member of the LDS church, are under more pressure to defend (or maybe 'contextualize' is the word) The Book of Mormon than other Christians are under to defend the Bible? I feel like there's a broad spectrum of perspectives on the Bible, among people I talk to, from 'it's a nice book with some good advice in it' all the way up to 'this is the factual and inarguable word of God', but I've got the sense from Mormon friends that this kind of discussion is less welcome in LDS circles. Do you agree? Do you think it's foundational to Mormon faith that Smith's accounts be taken as fact?

TODAY — Coffee Talk: Engaging Millennials

Join us for our next Coffee Talk tomorrow morning, where our panelists will discuss "Engaging Millennials."

It's no secret that millennials (those born from the 1980s and on) are not only leaving the Christian church, but are leaving religion altogether — and at a rapid pace.

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