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Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Tag: christianity

A Recent Baptism Said to a Child of LGBTQ+ Parents She Is Beloved by God and So Are Her Parents

Walter Hesford writes about a baptism he recently experienced in his church and how it took on new meaning for him in light of Idaho legislature's consideration of “The Higher Education Fairness Act," which calls for the end to all programs and offices that promote diversity, equity and inclusion.

The Alabama ruling on embryos claimed to be Christian. Christians aren’t so sure.

Since the Alabama Supreme Court ruling that frozen embryos are children, theological opinions on IVF, let alone political ones, are difficult to ascertain and are far from universal across denominations.

Former Incarcerated Drug Addict Ministers to Spokane Homeless with Food, Clothing and Jesus

Daniel Aga launched Mighty to Save Ministries after spending several years in jail himself and becoming a Christian while there. He said he had a fire in his "heart to give" what he had received to the those living on the streets of Spokane.

From the Wilderness into New Life: Everyone Can Participate in Lent

Lent thus offers a cluster of possibilities: fasting — or at least giving up something for Lent; repenting; joining Jesus in a wilderness experience; and experiencing the lengthening of days. Can everyone take part?

Lent Is Here. Remind Me What It’s All About?

Lent is the 40-day period leads up to Holy Week. Some of the most sacred days in the church calendar happen during this time – including Easter, which commemorates Christians’ central belief that Jesus was crucified and buried before rising from the dead.

Valentine’s Day and Ash Wednesday Coincide this Year: What’s a Catholic to Do?

For the first time since 2018, Ash Wednesday and Valentine’s Day fall on the same day. It has happened three times in the last century – 1923, 1934 and 1945 – and will happen again in 2029 for the final time this century.

Jerusalem Cross Gardening: A Compass for Inner Transformation

The Jerusalem-cross-raised-bed with its four quadrants facing West, North, East and South — each representing one of nature's four seasons (fall, winter, spring and summer) and one of the four Christian Gospels (Matthew, Mark, John and Luke/Acts). These serve as a compass for a journey of inner transformation.

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