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Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Tag: Bahá’u’lláh

How I navigated the rhetoric and realities of climate change through a spiritual lens

Learn about the 20-year scientific foundation of climate change and the author's spiritual understanding on how to raise awareness and take action against this global challenge.

Avoiding Extremism: Lessons from Authoritarian Overreach and the Value of Democracy

As our election looms, we must understand our own biases. Understanding our biases will help us vote wisely, choosing those we wish to govern us.

Taking the Road ‘Less Traveled by’ Has Made ‘All the Difference’

Pete Haug remembers hearing Robert Frost read his poem "The Road not Taken" 65 years ago. It reminded him of his spiritual journey out of the Christianity of his youth into choosing the Baha'i faith as an adult.

Local Baha’is Will Celebrate Naw-Ruz March 19 to Welcome Their New Year

For Baha'is, Naw-Ruz commemorates the spiritual renewal that their faith's teachings brought to humanity from teachers including Zoraster, Krishna, Buddha, Jesus, Muhammad and ultimately Baha’u’llah. The holiday, though, is rooted in various cultures.

How Many Christmases Must We Celebrate Before Reaching World Peace?

Recognizing our common values and unity, as our faith traditions, as Baha'is do, may bring the world closer to peace.

War, always with Us, Just Gets Worse

War shapes our lives, sometimes encouraging violence, verbal and physical. Outside war zones, ordinary citizens find ourselves drawn into taking sides. How can we create a better future for our children, ourselves, even for those we don’t know?

‘Holy War’ Is the Ultimate Oxymoron

The war raging in the Holy Land isn’t holy. Like all wars, it horrifies us. Wars throughout the Middle East, occasionally clad in a peek-a-boo veil of “holy war,” have for millennia been secular.

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