Is it possible to be an atheist and serve your country in the military? Some would say no. My guest on Nov. 12 will be Jason Torpy the President of the Military Association of Atheists and Freethinkers (MAAF), a national non-profit building community for atheists and humanists in the military. Torpy also holds seats on the board of the Secular Coalition for America, the premier lobbying organization for secular issues, and the American Humanist Association, which fosters Humanist community and ethics.
The red letter “A” that Nathaniel Hawthorne’s heroine was forced to wear as a badge of shame in the classic novel “The Scarlet Letter” is now proudly chosen by atheists to wear on jewelry made from ceramic, silver, gold and wood.
"Truth is real; God is imaginary." That's the message that can be read on one of seven billboards recently erected in Spokane by the Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF).
With atheism on the rise worldwide, it’s no wonder non-believers are in the spotlight more frequently. More attention has brought with it a new and unanticipated struggle: The struggle to correctly define who atheists are, and what we believe.