The world needs us to cry more,
to cry tears of repentance,
tears of grief,
tears of compassion,
tears of joy,
tears of relief,
tears of love,
tears of surprise,
cleansing tears,
tears of understanding,
tears of awakening.
Our parched land needs our tears
to soak in the thirsty ground.
How much evil would have been spared
if we had only shed more tears
and laughed more?
The two are so intertwined,
perhaps that’s why one often leads to the other,
laughing to tears
and crying so hard until you laugh.
They are a release, a surrender.
Emotions are energy in motion,
they need expression.
Oh how we need our tears.
Some fear they have lost them for good
that they are buried so deep
only an earthquake would unearth them.
But they will come if we let them.
We must stop damming them up
in ourselves and others.
Such harm this creates.
A sad day it was when the first person
told the lie that you should not cry.
We need our tears.
We cannot lose touch with this holy watershed
and their power to cleanse and heal and unite
and clear the way for peace to sweep in.