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HomeCommentaryHow change is made

How change is made


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Our tradition believes in “support that which we believe in and fight no one.” With this philosophy and the added caveat of knowing the perfection of all beings, my job is to speak to personal values and morals while honoring where that teaching may take you as an individual.

One person may support peace while another will join the military and become a warrior…both can be honored.

When I look at religions over the long haul, my personal view is that it appears disgraceful. I acknowledge that much of the ‘disgrace’ is created by people in power who wish to extend that power, i.e. not by the teaching in its truest form. Millions of people have followed false prophets, sometimes blindly, and brought catastrophe into the world.

When anyone seems to have an absolute answer, I tend to run the other way. I would much rather work with someone who “thinks” something will work while at the same time being open to new ideas.

I fully expect that anyone going into public office will carry their personal moral values with them; it is when they become beholden to religious leaders that the trouble really begins. 

I teach and practice peace to the best of my ability, while honoring the warrior for the path he or she finds herself on. I ask all people to think and decide for themselves, for as individuals we live with our own decisions. I know as the human consciousness is raised, we will have a greater chance of peace…rather than continuing to fight at the proverbial “drop of a hat.” I invite people to be creative when new obstacles show up in the world; the same old actions will always create the same results.

Change is not brought about by leadership.

Change is brought about by individuals demanding a new direction.

Joe Niemiec
Joe Niemiec
The Rev. Joe Niemiec Jr. began his spiritual quest in 1986 when he walked out of a Houston jail and was struck by the realization that his life was in shambles. He began his quest for ‘getting back on track’ with 12 step programs, followed by learning and practicing meditation with a local Redding, California, teacher.

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