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From childhood lies to political deception: How we lost our reverence for truth


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From childhood lies to political deception: How we lost our reverence for truth

Commentary by Paul Graves | FāVS News

Do you remember the first time you lied as a child? I don’t. But I’m sure it was for a very good reason — like not getting in trouble with Mom or Dad.

I’m sure it started a self-protecting pattern from whatever. So in today’s culture of rampant, toxic lying, I have to ask:

Why is it important that so many politicians lie? Why is it important that so many of their followers believe them?

Since I decided on Oct. 7 to focus this column on “bearing false witness” (or “lying” if you prefer), I’ve tried to monitor the political lying episodes recorded in our media. It’s astounding – and disheartening — to see how easily politicians at all levels can lie with conviction and not care they are lying.

My column decision was triggered by Donald Trump’s obsessive lying about so many things – but specifically the dangerous lies that FEMA funds were supporting illegal immigrants instead of hurricane victims. That was/is obviously “fake news,” and cruel on many levels.

Additional lies cascade from Trump and his MAGA cult followers: denying the 2020 election of Joe Biden or that Jan. 6, 2021, was filled with “love and peace” or the countless lies about Haitian and Venezuelan immigrants. Too many to list in these last days of the election season.

‘You may be wrong’

I’ve shared this “truth” story from Sr. Joan Chittister before. It bears repeating:

“Once upon a time a visitor came to the monastery looking for the purpose and meaning of life. The teacher said to the visitor, ‘If what you seek is Truth, there is one thing you must have above all else.’

“ ‘I know,’ the visitor said. ‘To find Truth I must have an overwhelming passion for it.’ ‘No,’ the teacher said. ‘In order to find Truth, you must have an unremitting readiness to admit you may be wrong.’ ”

It appears that so many MAGA Republicans and their leader cannot admit they may be wrong. I’m deeply sad for them and fearful for our country if Trump wins.

But putting partisan commentary aside, I want to consider the human tendency to lie in a biblical context. Lying is only part of our human nature.

The ninth commandment, in Exodus 20:16, “You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor,” calls us to remember we are more. It condemns false, harmful speech as an act of injustice against God and one’s neighbors.

Tyranny of certainty

We don’t take lying very seriously. But today, we need to remind ourselves of this. In our current cultural moment, it has become too easy for us to lie.

Ease of lying may have a deeper reason. In a 2016 column, I spoke about every person alive being inflicted to some degree with the tyranny of certainty.

“Tyranny” comes from Greek words that mean “absolute power” or “master.” We are addicted to — tyrannized by — our own need for certainty when we project our certainty on others as the only worthy way to think. Bold lying strongly suggests someone is firmly in the grips of that tyranny of certainty.

When we are confronted with that tyranny, we must consider standing up to the bully. Elie Wiesel’s wisdom (“The Night Trilogy”) is worth heeding here:

“We must take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented. Sometimes we must interfere.

When human lives are endangered, when human dignity is in jeopardy, national borders and sensitivities become irrelevant. Wherever men and women are persecuted because of their race, religion, or political views, that place must — at that moment — become the center of the universe.”

Choose your truth-seeking side and vote your conscience!

The views expressed in this opinion column are those of the author. They do not necessarily reflect the views of FāVS News. FāVS News values diverse perspectives and thoughtful analysis on matters of faith and spirituality.

Paul Graves
Paul Graves
Paul Graves is a retired and re-focused United Methodist pastor and a long-time resident of Sandpoint, Idaho, where he formerly served on city council and mayor. His second career is in geriatric social work, and since 2005 he's been the Lead Geezer-in-Training of Elder Advocates, a consulting and teaching ministry on aging issues. Since 1992, Graves has been a volunteer chaplain for Bonner Community Hospice. His columns regularly appear in The Spokesman-Review's Faith and Values section, and he also writes the Dear Geezer column for the Bonner County Daily Bee and is the host of the bi-weekly Geezer Forum on aging issues in Sandpoint.

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Walter A Hesford
Walter A Hesford
4 months ago

Thanks,Paul for this thoughtful column, especially the closing quote from Elie Wiesel about the need to stand up to bullies and chose the side of truth and justice…may we be mindful of this advice through this fraught day and the future.

Paul Graves
Paul Graves
3 months ago

Good morning Walter. Thank you for your comment, particularly about Wiesel’s insight and passion. Yes, The days and years ahead will be filled with opportunities to step up and choose the side of truth and justice. But we’ll need to remind each other to take that side!

Loree Kimball
Loree Kimball
4 months ago

Thank you for this article. I remember the first lie I told. I was very young, and I accidentally broke a small window in our home. My mom asked who did it and I was afraid to tell. My dad lined me and my two brothers up on the porch. They were also very young, all of us only a year apart in age. He asked us who did it. No one knew it was me. I did not confess. So my dad said we would all get the belt, and to drop our drawers and grab our ankles. Before we could, my oldest brother said HE did it and lined up to take the punishment for us. My heart swelled with more greatfulness than I had ever felt in my young life. I wonder if that was his first lie. Everything is going to be okay.

Paul Graves
Paul Graves
3 months ago
Reply to  Loree Kimball

Thank you for your story, Loree. It obviously made a big impression, both your part and your big brother’s part. I can only assume that wasn’t the last time you and your brothers had to decide how to respond to one of your parents. 🙂

Chuck McGlocklin
Chuck McGlocklin
3 months ago

One quote from Sigmund Freud on his defense mechanisms (the ways we lie to ourselves) is “If we saw the world as it really is and did not lie to ourselves, we would all be insane.”

The Jews of Jesus day rejected Him as their Messiah because they wanted a king to rid them of their “external” enemies, Rome, degenerates, political adversaries, anyone that disagreed with them. They did not, nor do we, want a king that will give us victory over our true (our internal) enemies (sin): pride, selfishness, me first attitude.

The greatest gift God has given us is freedom of choice, freedom of conscience. If we are not willing to give that to those we disagree with, we have forfeited our right to the same.

Paul Graves
Paul Graves
3 months ago

Thank you, Chuck, for taking a moment to respond to my column and share your added insight. Yes, freedom of choice is certainly one of God’s gifts. Even when we choose to use that freedom in toxic ways, it’s ours to use. I grieve when we forget that responsibility for that freedom is ours to own.

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