By Mark Azzara
Dear Friend,
Karl Vaters recently wrote a thought-provoking online article about our nation’s addiction to fame.
America elected Donald Trump, and if recent smarmy news coverage reflects national sentiment then America is in mourning for a recent spate of celebrity deaths, from George Michael and Gwen Ifill to Carrie Fisher and her mom Debbie Reynolds. But why? Let me suggest an answer – comments welcome!!!
We embrace fame because we can idolize the famous without facing any personal risk or challenge to change. We prefer fame over character. When we celebrate those who have character the focus turns to us when we fail to live up to the character of the person we praise. Maybe that’s why Jesus is treated so cheaply by so many. We prefer to superficially idolize a famous Jesus who doesn’t expect us to change rather than truly worship a Jesus of character who demands that we change. So let me ask, for the sake of conversation: Is the Christian church today primarily fame-oriented or character-centered? As I said, comments welcome!!!
All God’s blessings – Mark
Character is the right answer, but with celebrity pastors it makes you wonder, doesn’t it?