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Sunday, October 6, 2024

The Spovangelist

The Spovangelist is a collective of Spokane writers examining our city from different angles.

“Mercy in the City” explores what it truly means to be Catholic

I spent the entire Lenten season with "Mercy in the City" swimming in my mind.

Why Fagan cares about bikini baristas

City Councilman Mike Fagan is up in arms over bikini baristas. Bikini baristas are up in arms over Fagan’s newest proposal. The Councilman representing the 1st City Council District (U-District all the way up to Hillyard) wants to require a minimum clothing regulation or move to zoned “adult business” areas.

Ladies We Love: Ildikó Kalapács

There are some women in Spokane doing some super awesome things. In fact, there are a lot of women doing awesome things, so we’re starting a new series to let you know what the women of this city are up to. To nominate someone, email us at [email protected]

Food and economy conference coming to Spokane

Lately, I’ve kind of been on somewhat of a learning craze (because I am that boring.) This has mostly entailed podcasts and lots of reading, but also in the next month, two really cool conferences. The first one, this weekend, is PJALS’ Peace and Economic Justice Action Conference. The second, the “Power of Our Regional Food Economy: 2013 Conference” covers a topic that desperately needs addressing, especially in Spokane: the local food economy.

Call me mister

An entire lifetime of angry feminism and all that time, I’ve missed a piece of truly low-hanging lady-rage fruit. How, in 28 years, has it never occurred to me to be angry about the term “Mrs.” being reserved for married women?

In defense of women and men and the sex we’re afraid of

What do a gang rape and murder on the other side of the planet, a police investigation on prostitution at Spokane “health spas” and Lena Dunham’s Emmy outfit have in common?
Other than that they’re contributing to my current heartburn situation: What they have in common is that our, and my, reaction to all these stories is rooted in shame and fear. Shame and fear muddle the difference between what we should see as sexual perversion — non-consentual sex — and what we often regard as such: sexual decisions by others that make us feel uncomfortable.

Controlling the uncontrollable

Like the volatile nature of gun powder, gun control debates can explode at any second if struck with the right amount of fire power. Following the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School on Dec. 14, the nation has been buzzing about what we should do with guns: More guns, fewer guns, and mental health care have all been argued over and over in the foul and fervent fashion that only online discussions could offer.

Must read