If Pope Francis and Billy Graham had a baby, the Ecumenical Catholic Communion (ECC) would be their love-child. Picture all the bells and whistles of a High Church service merged with the down-to-earth sincerity and casualness of your typical evangelical worship service.
The Sh’ma, as it sometimes called, is the essence of Judaism, so why were so many non-Jews saying it? Because of one atrocious act of hate, a swastika painted on the temple sometime during High Holy Day services, because of that we were all here together.
I am sick of hearing this guy’s name — Mark Driscoll. This decade’s bad boy preacher, Driscoll manages to remain in the limelight by behaving like an abusive spouse, constantly apologizing for his behavior while continuing to act in the exact same way.
For 23 years, Spokane’s LGBTQ community have bravely taken to the streets in a march for inclusion and respect, and for 23 years there have been Christian groups in attendance who think that homosexuals and transgender people are living in sin.
I took this photo while sitting in traffic. I was struck by the juxtaposition of the No Trespassing sign and the "people accepted — lives changed" writing on the wall.