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Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Kimberly Winston

Kimberly Winston is a freelance religion reporter based in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Mormons in space: Sci-fi or no lie?

What makes for such a perfect marriage between science fiction— sometimes called “speculative fiction” when paired with the fantasy genre — and Mormonism, a pioneer-age faith that originated with an unschooled American farmer?

Sioux tribe receives land from South Dakota Jesuits

The Jesuit-run St. Francis Mission, which serves the Lakota peoples in south-central South Dakota, announced it will return about 500 acres to the Rosebud Sioux tribe, a band of Lakotas with a reservation in the same area.

Judgment day? Trump and religion at the 100-day mark

This Saturday (April 29) marks the end of that artificial construct between politics and media known as the “first 100 days.”

New study shows number of American atheists underreported

A new study shows there may be more than twice as many atheists in the U.S. than previous studies have found.

‘Glitter Ash Wednesday’ sparkles for LGBT Christians and others

A New York-based advocacy group called Parity is asking Christians who favor LGBT equality — “queer positive Christians,” in their parlance — to show their support by wearing “glitter ash” on their foreheads to mark Ash Wednesday (March 1).

One-fifth of Americans raised in religiously mixed homes

In another sign that America is a diverse country, a new poll reveals that 1 in 5 U.S. adults grew up in a family with more than one religion.

Salt Lake’s first lesbian mayor weds amid resignations from LDS church

Salt Lake City — which serves as the global headquarters for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints — played host over the weekend to the marriage of Jackie Biskupski, the city’s first openly gay mayor, to her fiancee, Betty Iverson.

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