The Rev. Andy CastroLang pastors a downtown church, where many of Spokane’s homeless and mentally ill hang about. The Rev. Alan Eschenbacher welcomes Spokane’s homeless into his church each week for a free meal. They both want to serve these communities, even though they can be unpredictable at times.
Pastor Eric Blauer leads a church in the East Central neighborhood and he’s intentionally embedded himself in that area. Altercations in the neighborhood aren’t uncommon, and recently his church had a discussion on whether or not to allow guns in their sacred space.
And recently after Ramadan prayers, Admir Rasic came out of the Bosnia and Herzegovina Heritage Association of Spokane to see “Death to Islam” spray painted on the building.
These four people will be the panelists at the next SpokaneFāVS Coffee Talk on Aug. 1. This community forum will take place at The Book Parlor/Indaba Coffee, 1425 W. Broadway Ave., at 10 a.m. The panelists will speak on the topic and then guests are welcome to ask questions and dialogue about the issue. All are invited.
The conversation will continue further with Pub Talk on Aug. 6. Check back to the SpokaneFāVS Pub Talk page for details.
Is the Pub Talk on August 5th or 6th?
Aug. 6, always the Thursday after Coffee Talk
This is going to be a great Coffee Talk!