Ask a Muslim: Can a Muslim Marry a Catholic?
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Commentary by Maimoona Harrington
Islam is divided into many sects, and the religious authorities of these sects interpret the Quranic text for interfaith marriages as per their understanding and interpretations.
Based on these interpretations, the majority of sects agree that Muslim men can marry Jews, Christians and Sabians, also known and referred as “People of the Book.”
However, Muslim women cannot marry People of the Book or any non-Muslim. But, as I stated this is based on various interpretations of Quranic text by various Islamic religious authorities of different sects.
Having said this, many Muslim women are marrying men from different faiths after their conversion into Islam and some without having them convert. But, this is, again, a personal interpretation of faith, choice and preference on their part.
With a Muslim diaspora spread all over the world, interfaith marriages are becoming common, as well as a challenge, for many because of the diverse cultural and traditional norms. Peace!
Disclaimer: I am not a religious scholar. I try to answer the question with the best of my knowledge and understanding of Islam as a Muslim.