What do you want to know about Religious Science? Revs. Joe and Toni Niemiec, New Thought ministers, are ready to answer your questions. Fill out the form below or .
By Toni Niemiec and Joe Niemiec
Why is it encouraged, in your faith tradition, to take classes on spiritual knowledge?
We believe that we are always evolving and that through classes on spiritual knowledge and opportunities to practice this knowledge we deepen and grow.
Our tradition is not based on a single book and interpretation but rather the writings of many. Our founder, Ernest Holmes, studied the major world religions and in his book “The Science of Mind” quotes from many divergent paths while teaching all paths ultimately lead to God (however we may understand God.) In particular the writings of Judge Thomas Troward, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Transcendental Movement, Emma Curtis Hopkins, and others influential in the early New Thought movement.
We believe that where place our focus is what we create more of in our life. For many who come to our teaching there is a desire to shift old beliefs to unlearn the teaching which no longer is true for them. Through brain research we know that in order to change our thinking, to open to new thought patterns and beliefs, we need to be focused and reinforce our new ideas. Classes on spiritual knowledge and consistent spiritual practices create an environment in which participants are supported by the teaching and the community.
Like many faith traditions we hold the teaching, the faith community, and the divinity within, to be that which supports the individual in growing and deepening their faith.