Janet Satre Ahrend, who serves on the music department at Gonzaga University, will perform “Fire, Tenderness, Laughter and Majesty: The Unexpected Voices of the Organ” Sunday at 4 p.m. at the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist.
During the recital she'll play pieces from Buxtehude and Bach, Elgar, Sir William Walton and Canadian organist, Denis Bédard on the church's Aeolian Skinner organ.
Ahrend began studying the organ Rockwood at Manito Presbyterian Church, received her Bachelor of Music Degree from the University of Idaho and Masters' and Doctorate from the University of Washington and later trained at the Royal School of Church Music in England, where she served as guest instructor for the School of Church Music Summer School in Perth, Western Australia.
She currently serves as St. John's organist-choirmaster and director of the handbell choir.
Though the concert is free, $5 donations will be accepted at the door.