I love the Bible. I also love the Book of Mormon. Mormons believe each book of holy scripture testifies of the other. Here are some examples.
The Bible testifies the Book of Mormon:
John 10:16: “Other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd.” After Jesus ministered to his people after his resurrection, we believe He appeared to, and administered to, the people on the American continent. The Book of Mormon holds the written account of this (3 Nephi 15:16–24).
Genesis 49:22–26: “Joseph is a fruitful bough whose branches run over the wall.” This refers to Joseph of Egypt. Mormons believe “his fruitful bough” running over the wall refers to some of his descendants migrating from the Old World to the Americas. They kept a record of their people on metal plates, which has now been translated into The Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ.
Ezekiel 37:15–20: “The sticks of Joseph and of Judah shall be one in the Lord’s hand.” The Hebrew word translated here as “stick” means “wood”; wooden writing tablets were in common use in Babylon in Ezekiel’s day. Mormons believe the stick of Judah is the Bible, and the stick of Joseph refers to the Book of Mormon.
Psalms 85:11: “Truth shall spring out of the earth.” The plates were found buried in the ground where they had been left for future generations to find.
Isaiah 5:26: “The Lord will lift up an ensign to the nations and will hiss unto them.” Isaiah is saying the Lord’s vineyard (Israel) will become desolate and scattered and the Lord will lift an ensign and gather Israel. Mormons believe this refers to the Book of Mormon.
Isaiah 29: “A voice shall speak out of the ground…The vision of all has become as the words of a book that is sealed.” Again, the plates were found buried in the ground. Mormons interpret this chapter of Isaiah as referring to a group of ancient people on the American continent (the Nephites), that will speak as a voice from the dust. The apostasy (prophesied of in the Bible here), or turning away from the church Jesus established during His time on the earth, and then the restoration of the gospel through Joseph Smith and the coming forth of a sealed book, the Book of Mormon, are being foretold.
The Book of Mormon testifies the Bible:
The Book of Mormon quotes Isaiah extensively, and many verses testify of the truthfulness of the Bible and The Book of Mormon, for example: 2 Nephi 3:12–21, 2 Ne. 29:2, Enos 1:15–16, Mormon 7:9 , Ether 5:4, Moroni 10:4, Mormon 8:16 , 2 Nephi 26:14–17, 2 Nephi 27:6–26.
For example, Mormon 7:9 reads, “not only in this record but also in the record which shall come unto the Gentiles from the Jews, which record shall come from the Gentiles unto you.” This verse and chapter state that the Book of Mormon was written for the intent that we may believe the Bible.
2 Nephi 3:12–21 explains the Book of Mormon and the Bible will grow together.
The Book of Mormon is a record of an ancient people living in America, their history, as well as their prophets and faith. Jesus came to them and the book testifies of him and his atonement. Reading the Book of Mormon brings peace, guidance and truth. Joseph Smith was the first modern day prophet. Through God’s guidance, he was able to translate this remarkable record, and restore Christ’s gospel including the priesthood, the building of temples, and prophets and apostles. We believe God loves us and wants to lead and guide us now, the same as he did in biblical times. Thomas S. Monson is the current prophet, and we continue to learn from Him as he is “the mouthpiece of the Lord” as he leads and guides the church.
The verses can be accessed by clicking on those links, and anyone can get a free Book of Mormon by going to Mormon.org or visiting a Mormon church.
A verse in the Book of Mormon promises that if you will read the Book of Mormon and pray about it in faith, you can receive your answer from God (Moroni 10:4). I’m very grateful I accepted that challenge myself.
This is only the tip of the iceberg! I could say so much more about how Mormonism, The Book of Mormon, and the Bible complement each other and clarify each other. You see, “Mormon” is just a nickname for our church. We have always been The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the word “saint” being used biblically to mean “follower of Christ,” 1 Corinthians 1:2) Appropriately so, as both books testify of the Savior Jesus Christ, and that is the most important point!
To me, these connections seem quite stretched.
John 10:16 : This verse is almost certainly referring to gentiles, which makes far better sense in the context of John and the Bible than some nebulous reference to an unknown people group in an unknown land.
Genesis 49:22-26: The idea that some Jews migrated to the Americas has come under extreme scrutiny. Archaeology does not support this hypothesis and genetic tests show that native americans are not related to Jews in particular or middle easterners in general.
Ezekiel 37:15-20 : I’m always baffled when Mormons refer to this text. If you read it in context, following verse 20, it explains exactly what is meant. It is talking about reuniting Judah and Israel.
Psalm 85:11 : This seems like a clear case of reading a bias into a text. Nothing about the context suggests that the Book of Mormon is a natural or likely interpretation. “truth springs from the earth” is a poetic phrase, which is juxtaposed to the idea, “And righteousness looks down from heaven”.
Isaiah 5:26 : I cannot make much sense of this one… I don’t see how one gets the Book of Mormon out of this. If you have time, could you elaborate on this one?
Isaiah 29: Again, this seems like cherry picking. Nothing in the context suggests buried tablets in a mysterious land.
Ryan, no I don’t have time- I’m packing! But thank you for your comment, and I will say that there is staggering evidence for Book of Mormon history in South America! I can hardly believe it myself even though I believe it. 🙂 But I bring that up to make the point that a belief in the Book of Mormon can only come from faith and prayer, as we can debate the latest fascinating archeology forever and get nowhere! Happy SpokaneFav-ing!
That’s interesting because when I looked into it, not only did I not find a staggering amount of evidence for the Book of Mormon in South America, but quite the contrary. There seems to be a lot of evidence that directly contradicts this idea.
Good luck on your trip! I hope to hear all about your adventures when you get back.
I would also add that when the last book of the Bible was written, in Rev. 22:18-19 the Holy Spirit gives that warning that if anyone adds or takes away from the prophecy of this book God either add the plagues, or take away his share in the tree of life and the holy city (New Jerusalem), which would be synonymous with eternal separation. Since this is the last book, that would preclude anything after.
II Cor.11:3-15 also makes it clear that there will be other Jesus’, other gospels and other spirits proclaimed as true, but that we are to contend against those as true believers in the gospel of Jesus Christ as once for all delivered to the saints (Jude 3). I believe Mormonism to be one of those other gospels. The true Jesus was not Lucifer’s brother, as believed in Mormonism.
And Ryan, for someone who doesn’t believe God exists, you do a pretty good defense of Scripture. 🙂