Today there is a much more compassionate understanding of the mental and emotional turmoil that would lead someone to take his or her own life and there are no restrictions on funerals for those died this way being held in LDS chapels nor are there any other arrangements that would set them apart from other funerals.
In light of what I wrote over the past two weeks about grieving and divine healing, I find myself facing a challenge: What would I have said to Brittany Maynard, the 29-year-old woman with incurable brain cancer who committed assisted suicide on Nov. 1?
I think it’s vicious to tell someone who is contemplating the end of life through a horrific consuming beast like brain cancer, that their hell is nothing compared to what God has waiting for them once they close their eyes and enter eternity!
Brittany Maynard, a 29-year-old with an aggressive, fatal form of brain cancer, announced she will take her own life on or about Nov. 1 with a legally-obtained prescription.