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Tuesday, December 17, 2024
HomeTagsSpirituality and art

Tag: spirituality and art

Harmony Woods Retreat Center Hosts First Fundraiser Saturday

Harmony Woods Retreat Center will host “A Taste of Harmony Woods Open House” this Saturday from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. The event will include several spiritually-themed indoor and outdoor offerings for individuals and families.

The Spirituality of Making, and Viewing Art

By adopting a more expansive view of art, I have come to understand both art-making and art-viewing as a spiritual experience: one that instills attentiveness, calm, and a sense of awe into my daily rituals, often without my immediate awareness.

Spirituality as Joy — the Art of Spokane’s Brittney Trambitas

Artist Brittany Trambitas brings themes of the soul’s flight to freedom through joy to Spokane in her fantastical and exuberant art.

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