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Friday, March 28, 2025

Tag: sin

The Evil in this World: Do You Renounce the Devil?

“Do you renounce the devil and all the forces that defy God? ... Do you renounce the powers of this world that rebel against God? ... Do you renounce the ways of sin that draw you from God?” These three questions are asked in Baptism and Confirmation services in my Lutheran church and probably in similar services in some other Christian churches. To each question, those assembled are asked to respond, “I renounce them.”

An Eastern Orthodox Perspective on Sin

In the Eastern Orthodox Church (EOC) the word for sin in Greek is "αμαρτία" which is defined in the following way: 'failure' or — more specifically — 'missing the mark,' 'going astray,' 'erring,' 'severing a relationship,' or, ultimately, “failing to achieve the purpose and benefit of life for which one is created.'

Father Knows Best: Does God get mad when you sin?

No. What God does when you sin is to forgive you. There are mystics who go even further than that: these women and men say that God forgives you before you sin.

Father Knows Best: Is masturbation a sin?

Is it a sin to masturbate? I'm a man with needs but I don't want to sin. I'm doing my best to repent and looking to be truly a soldier of Jesus Christ with all my heart.

POEM: Misconceptions

What if sin is misconception, a misconception of Truth’s dimension, a believing in the Enemy’s deception?

Local author writes book on overcoming moral failure

In his new book, “Overcoming Moral Failure: Picking up the Pieces,” Dr. Gordon S. Froese reveals his past as an adulterer, and explains how God delivered him from his life of sin.

Gluttony is a sin, but not on Thanksgiving

(RNS) Thanksgiving is a day to celebrate food with gusto.

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